Tool for converting 3D geometries from PostGIS to 3D Tiles/b3dm tiles. This software started as a port of py3dtiles ( for generating b3dm tiles. The generated 3D Tiles can be visualized in Cesium JS or MapBox GL JS.
Differences to py3dtiles:
performance improvements;
memory usage improvements;
fixed glTF warnings;
added colors option;
added LOD support;
added output directory option;
added refinement method (add or replace) support;
added glTF shader support for PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness
added query parameter support;
Docker support.
To run this tool there must be a PostGIS table available containing triangulated polyhedralsurface geometries. Those geometries can be created by FME (using Triangulator transformer - or custom tesselation tools.
Tileset.json and b3dm tiles are by default created in the 'output/tiles' subdirectory (or specify directory with -o, --output).
3D Bag by tudelftnl - 10 million Dutch buildings in 3D Tiles
Texel - 3D Terrain, subsurface and buildings in MapBox GL JS:
GeoTop Subsurface in MapBox GL JS:
Amsterdam Buildings in MapBox GL JS:
Amsterdam Buildings in Cesium:
Dover - Delaware buildings in MapBox GL JS:
Dover - Delaware buildings in Cesium:
Duisburg buidings converted from CityGML in MapBox GL JS -
All parameters are optional, except the -t --table option.
If --username and/or --dbname are not specified the current username is used as default.
-U, --username (Default: username) Database user
-h, --host (Default: localhost) Database host
-d, --dbname (Default: username) Database name
-c, --column (Default: geom) Geometry column name
-i, --idcolumn (Default: id): Identifier column
-t, --table (Required) Database table name, include database schema if needed
-o, --output (Default: ./output/tiles) Output directory, will be created if not exists
-p, --port (Default: 5432) Database port
-a, --attributescolumn (Default: '') attributes column name
-e, --extenttile (Default: 1000) Maximum extent per tile
-g, --geometricerrors (Default: 500, 0) Geometric errors
-q, --query (Default: ) Query parameter
--refine (Default: REPLACE) Refinement method (REPLACE/ADD)
--shaderscolumn (Default: ) shaders column
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
- All geometries must be type polyhedralsurface consisting of triangles with 4 vertices each. If not 4 vertices exception is thrown.
In release 0.10 the shaders functionality is changed to support PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness.
See document for details.
Id column must be type string;
Id column should be indexed for better performance.
- if there are no features within a tile boundingbox, the tile (including children) will not be generated.
- By default, as geometric errors [500,0] are used (for 1 LOD). When there multiple LOD's, there should be number_of_lod + 1 geometric errors specified in the -g option. When using multiple LOD and the -g option is not specified, the geometric errors are calculated using equal intervals between 500 and 0.
The -q --query will be added to the 'where' part of all queries.
Attribute query:
-q "ogc_fid=118768"
Spatial query:
-q "ST_Intersects(wkb_geometry, 'SRID=4326;POLYGON((-75.56996406 39.207228824,-75.56996406 39.2074420320001,-75.5696300339999 39.2074420320001,-75.5696300339999 39.207228824,-75.56996406 39.207228824))'::geometry)"
Make sure to check the indexes when using large tables.
See getting started for a tutorial how to run pg2b3dm and visualize buildings in MapBox GL JS or Cesium.
For a dataprocessing workflow from CityGML to 3D Tiles using GDAL, PostGIS and FME see dataprocessing/dataprocessing_citygml.
Docker image:
Tags used (
0.10 stable build
latest: is build automatically after push to master
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src
$ docker build -t geodan/pg2b3dm .
Test feature branch:
$ git clone
$ git checkout {name_of_feature_branch}
$ cd pg2b3dm/src
$ docker build -t geodan/pg2b3dm:{name_of_feature_branch} .
Sample on Windows:
$ docker run -v C:\output:/app/output -it geodan/pg2b3dm -h my_host -U my_user -d my_database -t my_table
Sample on Linux:
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/app/output -it geodan/pg2b3dm -h my_host -U my_user -d my_database -t my_schema.my_table
Requirement: Install .NET 5.0 SDK
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-5.0
Build app:
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src
$ dotnet build
$ dotnet run
To create an self-contained executable '~/bin/pg2b3dm':
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src/pg2b3dm
$ dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true
$ cp ./bin/Release/net5.0/linux-x64/publish/pg2b3dm ~/bin
$ ~/bin/pg2b3dm
$ git clone
$ cd src
$ code .
In Visual Studio Code, open .vscode/launch.json and adjust the 'args' parameter to your environment
"args": ["-h" ,"my_host", "-U" ,"my_user", "-d", "my_database", "-t", "my_table"],
Press F5 to start debugging.
SharpGLTF ( for generating glTF;
CommandLineParser ( for parsing command line options;
Npgsql ( - for access to PostgreSQL;
b3dm-tile ( - for generating b3dm files;
Wkx ( - for geometry handling.
2020-11-17: release 0.10, adding shader support PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness + to .NET 5.0
2020-06-18: release 0.9.4, adding query parameter support (-q --query)
2020-05-07: release 0.9.3, rewriting tiling method
2019-11-18: release 0.8 adding -f, --featurespertile and -e, --extenttile options
2019-10-02: release 0.7 adding id column option (default 'id')
2019-09-02: release 0.6 adding batching option on single column (-a option)
2019-08-21: release 0.5.1 with fix for non trusted Postgres connection
2019-08-20: release 0.5 adds support for multiple colors
2019-08-15: release 0.4.4 improving roof colors
2019-08-15: release 0.4.3 change degenerated triangles detection + removal
2019-08-14: release 0.4.2 fixing roof colors + filter very small triangles (<0.01)
2019-08-13: release 0.4.1 with fix for roof colors (option -r)
2019-08-12: release 0.4 adding roof color column option (-r)
2019-08-01: release 0.3.3 with 2 colors
2019-07-09: release 0.3 using library SharpGLTF
2019-06-01: release 0.2.1 with some small fixes
2019-06-01: initial release 0.2
2019-05-01: initial release 0.1