
ITSM-NG est un fork GLPI ayant pour objectif de proposer un volet communautaire fort, et des choix technologiques pertinents.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


ITSM-NG is a GLPI fork with the objective of offering a strong community component and relevant technological choices.


Here is the list of the different libraries and modules and their versions useful for ITSM-NG.

  • Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc

  • MariaDB >= 10.0 or MySQL >= 5.6

  • PHP 7.2 or newer

  • Required PHP extensions :

    • ctype
    • curl
    • gd (picture generation)
    • iconv
    • intl
    • json
    • mbstring
    • mysqli
    • session
    • simplexml
    • zlib
  • Recommanded PHP extensions :

    • exif (security enhancement on image validation)
    • imap (mail collector and users authentication)
    • ldap (users authentication)
    • openssl (encrypted communication)
    • sodium (performances enhancement on sensitive data encryption/decryption)
    • zip and bz2 (installation of zip and bz2 packages to install plugin)
  • Supported browsers :

    • Edge
    • Firefox (including 2 latest ESR versions)
    • Chrome


You will find all ITSM-NG releases here.


ITSM-NG documentation is avalaible at the following link : Wiki.