Boilerplate for creating nodejs libraries.
- es6 to es5 transpile on prepublish (babel-cli)
- Test (mocha + chai)
- Coverage (isparta + istanbul)
Download repository and remove .git folder
Edit package.json. Be sure to change name, description, version, author, repositories, bugs and homepage.
Update badges inside
Install dependencies
npm install
Run mocha test for development. So you can see if you're tests (even if you have not written one) are still passing.
npm run dev
Write some tests. It's located at ./test
Write some codes to make your tests pass. It's located at ./src
Check coverage and improve your tests.
npm run cover
Then open at ./cover/index.html
Modify it as long as you want.
I put .coveralls.yml in .gitignore as per advice on their site. If you want to update coverage after travis-ci run your tests you need to add "COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN" environment on your travis-ci.
- Go to and get your repo_token.
- Go to
- Add Environment Variables.
- Push another commit for it to update.