
Session Replay for Mobile Apps

Primary LanguageObjective-C

AirSnap iOS SDK

Session Replay for Mobile Apps

Build the perfect digital experience by seeing exactly how your customers are using your app.




Add to your Podfile

pod 'AirSnap'

Then run

$ pod install

Swift Package Manager

Add to your Package.swift

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/airsnapio/airsnap-ios")


Currently unsupported. Please create an issue or contact us if you'd like to see support.



// AppDelegate.swift
import AirSnapSDK

func application(...) -> Bool {
    AirSnap.start(withAppKey: "<api-key>", privacyRule: .mask)
    AirSnap.setUser(id: "user@example.com")


// AppDelegate.m
#import <AirSnapSDK/AirSnapSDK-Swift.h>

- (BOOL)application:... {
    [AirSnap startWithAppKey:@"<api-key>" privacyRule:PrivacyRuleUnmask];
    [AirSnap setUserWithId:@"user@example.com"]

Privacy Mask

When privacy masking is enabled, text, images, user inputs, and network calls are removed from the session. This process occurs on the device, meaning sensitive information never leaves your user's device!

AirSnap prioritizes privacy and therefore enables privacy masking by default. You can disable the privacy mask by passing the following parameter to AirSnap.start

AirSnap.start(withAppKey: "<api-key>", privacyRule: .unmask)


AirSnap.start(withAppKey: String, privacyRule: .mask | .unmask)

Starts a session with the specified privacy rule. Privacy masking is enabled by default.

AirSnap.sessionId: string

Returns the current session ID.

AirSnap.userId: string

Returns the user ID that is used to distinguish users. This can be a custom identifier that you set, otherwise it will use the IDFV Device ID by default.

AirSnap.setUser(id: String?)

Sets the user ID that is used to distinguish users. This can be the internal identifier for your application. If param is an empty string or null, it will reset the identifier back to the Device ID.

AirSnap.captureException(issue: Issue, level: error | warning | info, context?: [String: String])

WIP Captures the exception

Contact Us

If you run into any issues with AirSnap or would just like to drop by for a hello, please contact us at hi@airsnap.io 😊