
Hello everyone, this is a project which takes up more than a month of my last senior high school term. I must prepare for the coming final exam now, so I post all the source code here, in the hope that someone may be interested in it. I do not know so much about licenses, but I wish that whoever interested in it would contact me. Forking is welcomed. Thanks a lot.

AssDroid, is a 3D model viewer for Android. My first aim is to create one better than "HD Model Viewer" in the market, but instead of using Unity3D, I implement the drawing logic on my own. The 3rd-party libraries used in AssDroid is listed below. (If any licenses is missing, please contact me!)





Assimp, an amazing 3D asset import library, which play as the core of AssDroid.

DevIL, an all-in-one image library, used to load various types of textures.

libpng, works with DevIL, providing .png support.

(C/C++ libraries are included via prebuilts or sources, for Assimp and libpng were built by cmake, while DevIL by

The current version is 0.2.2-milestone and the UI is not so user-friendly, but anyway, it does what it should do! One can load several models into the world, translating, rotating or scaling a model from the context menu and the viewer can rotate and move around (using hardware keyboard) as well.

Known issues:

Loading many models might cause texture conflict.


There are so many things I want to do. For example, joystick for moving around, animations, saving / loading the world state to / from an external file, etc. I will be back as soon as the final exam is finished (maybe)!

Downloads can be found in the homepage below.


Twitter: @airtheva