
A wintersmith plugin to create tags

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a plugin for Wintersmith. It allows you to add tags to articles and list articles by tags.

For a complete example, please take a look at thecoolwei.com and its source.

How to use

Step1: install

Install globally or locally using npm

npm install [-g] wintersmith-tag

and add wintersmith-tag to your project's config.json

  "plugins": [

Step2: set plugin options

You can specify options in config.json

    "tag": {
        "template": "tag-index.jade",
        "perPage": 4

This plugin is based on the built-in paginator plugin, so it uses the paginator's options by default. The only exception is it has its own default for filename. This is can be best understood by looking at the source code

paginatorDefaults =
    template: 'index.jade' # template that renders pages
    articles: 'articles' # directory containing contents to paginate
    first: 'index.html' # filename/url for first page
    filename: 'page/%d/index.html' # filename for rest of pages
    perPage: 2 # number of articles per page

tagDefaults = 
    filename: 'tag/%s/%d/index.html' # => tag/:tagName/:pageNum/index.html
options = _.extend {}, paginatorDefaults, env.config.paginator, tagDefaults, env.config.tag

Step3: add tags to articles

Just add tags to the metadata section of the article. Seperate multple tags by comma. Tag name can contain space.

title: Hello world
date: 2012-10-14 8:31
template: article.jade
tags: Algorithm, a happy story

Step4: modify your template

Several new context variables and helper funtions are available in the template now.


The tagName variable contains the tag name that articles are filtered by.


This function returns all tags in the project. It can be used to create a tag cloud on your frontpage, for example.


Returns all articles that has tag tagName


Returns a page object that reperents the first page of the article list filtered by tagName. You can create a link to this page in template like

a(href=env.helpers.getTagHome(tagName).url)= tagName


Returns an array of tags of current article.

- var tags = env.helpers.getTagsFromArticle(page)
each tag in tags
    a.big-tag(href=env.helpers.getTagHome(tag).url)= tag

Step5: build & done!

wintersmith build -v

Lists of articles filtered by tags have been created successfully!
