
Basic Grafana docker container reading from AWS (cloudwatch) as a default data source and pulling the availability for the response codes of a specifc ALB

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Grafana - Docker

Simple Grafana Docker container to bring up a Grafana instance with provisioned data sources and dashboards/panels.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need Docker and Docker compose installed.
You will also need some AWS credentials for the default CloudWatch data source.


Install is pretty easy!

Install Docker and Docker compose on your system


For the default data source of CloudWatch, you will need some credentials set up:

Log into your AWS account and create a user with the following IAM permissions
(this can be locked down much more!)
CloudWatchEventsReadOnlyAccess - AWS managed policy
CloudWatchLogsReadOnlyAccess - AWS managed policy
CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess - AWS managed policy

Collect the access key IF and the secret access key ID and place them into a credentials file as per this - Be sure its named default.
This file will be excluded via the .gitignore
Put this credentials file into spec/aws

When you bring the docker container up it will automatically connect to the this data source.
You can now go and build some dashboards and panaels, save the json of the dashboard into spec/dashboard-items/dashboards.
When you rerun the container it will be brough up with your dash board


To bring the container up, in the root directory run docker-composer up
To bring it down ctrl+c and then docker-composer down
Go to localhost:3000 to access the interface, the login is admin : admin