
Using Mocha, Selenium Webdriver, and Babel together to provide async / await to browser e2e tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Note: Babel transforms for async/await have been removed; this boilerplate is compatible with Node >=7.6.0


This is an example of using Mocha, Selenium WebDriver and Babel together to provide async / await syntax to browser automation tests. Additionally, the page objects conventions model how Airware's test automation team structures their tests.

We've also added Flowtype annotations and a webdriver type interface like the one we use internally.

Originally presented at the Selenium Meetup in SF on 10-19-16.

Video of the Meetup

Slides from the Meetup

Prequisites include Java, NodeJs, Chrome browser.

To start the Selenium server: npm start

To run the acceptance test suite: npm test

Lint: npm run lint Flow type checking: npm run flow

Questions? You can email the test automation team at cclayman@airware.com or mstittri@airware.com, or file an issue. Contributions welcome.