NetDrive Translations

Code Language File Name The most recent version translated Contributors
es Spanish netdrive_es.po 3.8 @pjmh81
ca Catalan netdrive_ca.po
cs Czech netdrive_cs.po
de German netdrive_de.po 3.8 Reiser89
en English netdrive_en.po 3.8
fi Finnish netdrive_fi.po
fr French netdrive_fr.po
hy Armenian netdrive_hy.po
he Hebrew netdrive_he.po
hu Hungarian netdrive_hu.po 3.8 oreg
it Italian netdrive_it.po 3.8 @bovirus
ja Japanese netdrive_ja.po
ko Korean netdrive_ko.po 3.8 @JulianYoon
lv Latvian netdrive_lv.po
po Polish netdrive_pl.po
ru Russian netdrive_ru.po 3.8 @hookzof and @iFrez
sk Slovak netdrive_sk.po
uk Ukrainian netdrive_uk.po
vi Vietnamese netdrive_vi.po 3.8 @thanthhot
zh-CN Simplified Chinese netdrive_zh-CN.po
zh-TW Traditional Chinese netdrive_zh-TW.po

How to Translate

You need GitHub account to transalte language files. Please sign up and continue.

1. After login select the language file you want to translate.

2. Click the pencil icon to edit the file.

3. Forked repository will be created under your account and you can edit your copy of the file.

4. Enter translated text inside the double quote after msgstr.

5. After translation leave some message in the 'Propose file change' form and click 'Propose file change' to submit your translation.

6. Submitted translation will be added to the Pull requests.

Pull requests will be reviewed by collaborators and accepted if there is no problem.