
[QUESTION] - Other UI Libs

go4cas opened this issue · 12 comments

@ais-one, the latest release looks pretty solid!

I was wondering how deeply integrated is Vuetify into vue-crud-x? How easy/difficult would it be to use another component library (like iview, element, vue-ant, etc)?

@ais-one, any idea when ant would be implemented?

Now that things seem abit more stable, I would like to explore using another UI library such as Ant Design

@ais-one, good to see the regular releases! Any idea more or less when the Ant Design release will be available?

Hi @ais-one ... great changes with 0.30! Any progress with the Ant Design version?

Hi, yes finally... will be moving on to Ant Design...

I need to try and reduce as much dependancy on any UI framework. Fortunately, Ant Design and Vuetify have pagination included with the data tables.

Bootstrap and I think Buefy does not have. Those will consider later.

trying to get ant-design-vue to work with vue 3...

Ant design is feature rich but seems bloated, even with tree shaking, thinking of really looking out for some other alternative...

We may revisit Ant Design...

Hopefully momentJS is no longer a dependency there...

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