PHP AIS Encoder Decoder v2.0b
This is a working library for both encoding and decoding AIS sentences using PHP.
ais.2.php (Version 2)
- Decoding:
- Sample Demo File: ais.2.decode_sample.php
- call method process_ais_buf(...) and pass in AIS data from a serial or IP source or a test AIS string
- override method process_ais_itu(...) to process the data the way you want to handle it
- Sample Demo File: ais.2.decode_sample.php
- Encoding: see the example in the file to form an AIS message, uses the function mk_ais(...)
- Sample Demo File: ais.2.decode_sample.php
- form up the sentence, determine the Channel, Sequence, etc.
- call method mk_ais(...) to form the AIS packet
- send it out
- Sample Demo File: ais.2.decode_sample.php
v1/decode.ais.php & v1/base.ais.php (Older version 1)
The files remain here only for reference. It is superceded by Version 2 above which is more maintainable and neat.
To try, just do the following
- copy all php files to webserver
- call via web-browser and view the result
- testing code is towards the end
feedback and fixes
Please feedback any bugs you may find and be patient with updates and fixes, as I don't even have time to launch my own personal website.
Enjoy this PHP people!
Aaron Gong