
Data for paper '"Joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity for crustal structure in Taiwan"'


  1. This repository includes the data for paper '"Joint inversion of Rayleigh wave ellipticity and phase velocity for crustal structure in Taiwan"'
  2. disp_from_ANT.tar.gz contains the phase maps at different periods taken from Ai et al. (2019).
  3. HV.tgz contains the H/V ratio measurements.
  4. STA_vs.tgz contains the final shear wave velocities.
  5. sta.pro.lst record the locations of the seismic stations. For more details, please contact me (aisanxi14@mails.ucas.ac.cn)

Reference: Ai, S., Zheng, Y., & Xiong, C. (2019). Ambient noise tomography across the Taiwan Strait, Taiwan Island, and southwestern Ryukyu Arc: Implications for subsurface slab interactions. Tectonics, 38. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018TC005355