
Test app for vision web

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test app for Vision veb

Technology stack: React.JS, React Router, JWT, AXIOS

📗1. Task

Create an application with a router, JWT authorization, and axios with an additional middleware.
Provide private routing with redirection to the authorization page, if the user is authorized to display information about it.

📗2. Source data

The active server and API to the server. The server API works over http and becouse of that GH pages doesn't work properly.

📗3. Links and demo

Repo: https://github.com/aiscorp/vision-web-test
Site: https://aiscorp.github.io/vision-web-test

📗4. How to run and build

Project made by create-react-app, this scripts need to run and build app:

npm install - prepares packages to run and build app.

npm start - runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

npm run build - builds the app for production to the build folder.