
Yandex Maps API bindings for React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yandex Maps API bindings for React


npm install --save react-yandex-maps


Basic components

  • <YMaps /> - provides child components with yandex maps api via context
  • <Map /> - Map instance
  • <Clusterer /> - Clusterer instance
  • <ObjectManager /> - ObjectManager instance
  • <GeoObject /> - generic GeoObject instance
  • <Control /> - generic Control instance

GeoObject shorthands

  • <Placemark />
  • <Polyline />
  • <Rectangle />
  • <Polygon />
  • <Circle />

Control shorthands

  • <Button />
  • <FullscreenControl />
  • <GeolocationControl />
  • <RouteEditor />
  • <RulerControl />
  • <SearchControl />
  • <TrafficControl />
  • <TypeSelector />
  • <ZoomControl />
  • <ListBox />
  • <ListBoxItem />

Basic Usage (compared to yandex maps quick start guide)

With Yandex Maps API

window.ymaps.ready(function () {
  const myMap = new window.ymaps.Map('map', {
    center: [55.751574, 37.573856],
    zoom: 9
  }, {
    searchControlProvider: 'yandex#search'

  const myPlacemark = new window.ymaps.Placemark([55.751574, 37.573856], {
    hintContent: 'Собственный значок метки',
    balloonContent: 'Это красивая метка'
  }, {
    iconLayout: 'default#image',
    iconImageHref: 'images/myIcon.gif',
    iconImageSize: [30, 42],
    iconImageOffset: [-3, -42]


With react-yandex-maps

import { YMaps, Map, Placemark } from 'react-yandex-maps';

const mapState = { center: [55.76, 37.64], zoom: 10 };

const MyPlacemark = () => (
    <Map state={mapState}>

          coordinates: [55.751574, 37.573856]
          hintContent: 'Собственный значок метки',
          balloonContent: 'Это красивая метка'
          iconLayout: 'default#image',
          iconImageHref: 'images/myIcon.gif',
          iconImageSize: [30, 42],
          iconImageOffset: [-3, -42]



All Objects events are available, just use camelCase event names instead of default ones (for example geometrychange -> onGeometryChange):

With Yandex Maps API

function onGeometryChange() {/* more code */}

const circle = new window.ymaps.GeoObject({
  geometry: {
    type: "Circle",
    coordinates: [55.76, 37.64],
    radius: 10000

circle.events.add('geometrychange', handleEventSomehow)

With react-yandex-maps

import { Circle } from 'react-yandex-maps'

const CircleWithEvents = ({onGeometryChange}) => (
      coordinates: [55.76, 37.64],
      radius: 10000

The instanceRef Callback Attribute

react-yandex-maps supports a special attribute, that [works similar] (https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html) to React ref attribute. react-yandex-maps will call the instanceRef callback with the YandexMap Object instance when the component mounts, and call it with null when it unmounts.

More Examples

You can go to https://gribnoysup.github.io/react-yandex-maps/ to look at examples, or clone this repo, cd to repo folder and run npm start

git clone https://github.com/gribnoysup/react-yandex-maps.git
cd ./react-yandex-maps
npm install && npm run examples


  • Add tests
  • Add more propTypes
  • Add more examples


Thanks to @effrenus and his yandex-map-react for inspiration