
Backend of VocalForLocal website, made with Django REST Framework.

Primary LanguagePython


Backend of VocalForLocal website, made with Django REST Framework.


Setting up the project

  • Make sure python3.7 and pip are installed. Install pipenv by running pip install pipenv.
  • Install python dependencies using the command pipenv install Please use only pipenv for managing dependencies (Follow this link if you are new to pipenv).
  • To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.
  • Run python manage.py migrate to apply migrations.
  • Start the development server using python manage.py runserver

Testing the API

The API can be tested by running the Django server locally, going to the following url:, clicking the "Try it out" button after selecting the endpoint and finally executing it along with the Response Body (if required).

For testing the endpoints which require Token in the Authorization header, you can click on the "Authorize" button, write the Authorization token as Token <token> (which you have obtained from the auth/login/ endpoint) and finally click on "Authorize". Thereafter, all the requests made to any endpoint will have the Token in the Authorization Header.