Terraform assignments.

Create a Terraform module for generating a password. · The password string should contain at least 1 special characters except '@'. · The password length should be 8. · The password should include minimum 1 upper and 1 lower case alphabet characters. · Display the information in Terraform output via CLI in format: "Hi , your password is " · User value should be taken from an input variable. Hint: Make use for “random_password"

Assignment I: OpenStack, AWS, GCP, IBM Cloud, etc. Create a compute server instance (Ubuntu/CentOS) on your cloud provider. Create and attach a storage volume to the server instance Create key-pair by providing the SSH public key.

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Assignment II: Docker Create a container by pulling a Docker image (Ubuntu/CentOS) from a Docker registry. Export port internal TCP port 8080 to port 25678 on the host. Create a Docker volume and use it in the container created above. Create a Docker network and use it in the container created above.


· Take inputs from user for instance/volume configurations. · Prefix the name of the volume with your name. · Suffix the name of the instance/container with random HEX string of length 4. · Output the instance/container IP in Terraform output once all the resources are processed (Use “depends_on” on last resource). · Variables should have proper description and type mentioned. · Exclusive files for input variables and output values blocks.

This assignment is follow-up on the previous assignment · Install an HTTP service and host an index.html file on the server created in the previous assignment. · Use the file-provisioner to copy the index.html file from local machine. · Steps to install and configure httpd should be done via remote-exec resource. · Once the index.html file is hosted on the server, download the file via “HTTP URL” using HTTP Provider (https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/http/index.html). · Index.html content should be displayed in Terraform output. · Whenever the server is destroyed (via ‘terraform destroy’) the index.html and httpd service (including the changed file) should be uninstalled from the remote server. Note: For Docker assignment you may need to install an SSH service on the container and expose port 22. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/examples/running_ssh_service/ for more information.