
All things related to flask - tutorials, cheatsheets etc

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Largely based on this Udemy course

What is a web server?

  • Sometimes referred to the hardware
  • Sometimes referred to a piece of software designed to respond to a user request

What is a request?

A request is data that a user/web app sends to a web server

Host www.google.com

What are some ways in which a server might respond to a request?

  • Error
  • HTML code
  • Some processed output
  • Nothing

In what cases might a web server throw an error?

  • If it does not support HTTP (eg: an SMTP server)
  • If path not found (404)
  • If server is unavailable

Give an example of what a request looks like when you request a web page

When you access https://twitter.com/login

GET /login HTTP/1.1
Host: https://twitter.com 

What are the different HTTP verbs and their meanings?

Verb Meaning Example
GET (User) Retrieve something GET /login
POST (Server) Receive data and use it POST /item {'name':'chair','price':9.99}
PUT Makes sure that there is something. If there isn't anything it will create PUT /item {'name':'chair','price':9.99}
DELETE Remove something DELETE /item/1

What is REST?

  • Its a way of thinking/designing how a web server responds to a user's requests
  • Two main characteristics:
    • Web server doesn't respond with data, responds with resources instead
    • Interactions are stateless

What are resources in REST?

Resources are basically abstractions that encapsulate data. Its a way of thinking about data and how the server and user use it for interaction. GET /item/chair is retrieving the chair resource

Give an example to explain what is meant by stateless in REST?

  • A user logs into web application
  • Server does not keep track of requests and responses related to the login and thus does not know that the user is logged in
  • The web application must send enough data to identify the user in every request or else the server won't associate the request with the user
  • In the same way, the server must be programmed to associate every request to the specific user

Flask Coding Conventions, Tips & Tricks

POST Request
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def some_function():

GET Request

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/store') #default is GET
def some_function():

POST Request with argument

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/store/<string: name>/item',methods=['POST'])
def some_function(name):

Returning data using JSONify

jsonify is required to convert Python dictionary into a json object that can be read by JavaScript

from flask import Flask, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/store/<string: name>/item',methods=['POST'])
def some_function(name):
	some_python_dicitonary = {....}
	return jsonify(some_python_dicitonary)

Receiving input data using Request

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request

app = Flask(__name__)

old_data =[{...},{...},{...}]
@app.route('/store/<string: name>/item',methods=['POST'])
def some_function(name):
	request_data = request.get_json() #converts json to dictionary
	new_data = {
	return jsonify(new_data)

Testing your API