
ChatBot Javascript, text to speech, Voice Synthesis Utterance using Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ChatBot Javascript, text to speech, Voice Synthesis Utterance using Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly

What is Debotor?

This is a prototype of a Robot done on Hackathon. The aim of the project is to make use of the Amazon Lex, Amazon Polly, and Amazon S3.

How did the robot work?

The deBOtor Chatbot is hooked to a raspberry pi for the robot movements, which has been built with arduino and raspberry pi with python.

Requirements to make this ChatBot work

You need to have atleast a year free subscription to AWS. As soon as your Amazon Credentials are set-up, this javascript is ready to be deployed in AMAZSON S3 static webhosting.

Access Key Requirements

To Access the text chatbot Amazon Lex,

AWS region

AWS Cognito Credentials,


To Access the voice chatbot Amazon Polly:

AWS region,

AWS Cognito Credentials,

Access ID,

Secret Key,


Link to create your Amazon Lex Bot
