
Développement d'une application de gestion d'annuaire

Primary LanguageJava


Rest api (Java Spring Boot) for a person directory management


SGBD = postgresql
database name = annuaire
username = annuaire
password = admin

You can change these settings in the application.properties file


The application start with three person instances, check PersonConfig file


Get http://localhost:8070/annuaire/entree --> GetAllPersons

Get http://localhost:8070/annuaire/entree/1 --> GetPerson with id=1

Delete http://localhost:8070/annuaire/entree/1 --> delete person with id=1

Put http://localhost:8070/annuaire/entree/1?name=john&surname=john&phone=1233&city=paris --> update person with id = 1

Post http://localhost:8070/annuaire/entree --> add new person with data in the body request
"name" : "Lee",