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Fully Tensorized Recurrent Neural Network Grammars (RNNGs) based on PyTorch

This repository provides code for training and testing fully tensorized (batched) recurrent neural network grammars. The code is 100% PyTorch and every operation is batched. Both training and inference are significantly faster than existing DyNet-based RNNG implementation. The technical detail is found in the following paper:

Effective Batching for Recurrent Neural Network Grammars
Hiroshi Noji and Yohei Oseki
Findings of ACL - ACL-IJCNLP 2021


  • PyTorch 1.7 or above.


We first convert a PTB-style dataset (examples found in data/ folder) into a single json file by preprocessing, which converts each parse tree into tokens, ids (after unkifying), oracle actions, etc:

$ python preprocess.py --trainfile data/train.txt --valfile data/valid.txt --testfile data/test.txt
--outputfile data/ptb --vocabminfreq 2 --unkmethod berkeleyrule

By --unkmethod berkeleyrule, an unknown token is convert to a special symbol that exploits some surface features, such as <unk-ly>, which indicates an unknown token ending with ly suffix (e.g., nominally).

The outputs are data/ptb-train.json, data/ptb-val.json, and data/ptb-test.json. Vocabulary is defined by tokens in the training data. Which tokens to include in the vocabulary is decided by --vocabminfreq or --vocabsize argument (see python preprocess.py --help).

For using subwords, see the help with --help. This needs sentencepiece to be installed.


The current implementation is hard-coded for running on a single GPU.

Example to train a model:

$ python train.py --train_file data/ptb-train.json --val_file data/ptb-val.json --save_path rnng.pt --batch_size 512
--fixed_stack --strategy top_down --dropout 0.3 --optimizer adam --lr 0.001 --gpu 0

Training Tips

  • I recomment to use adam optimizer instead of sgd. Although the original paper reports the results with SGD, I found that Adam works much more stable for this implementation.
  • --lr and --dropout have a large impact on the performance and should be tuned on each dataset.
  • Even on smaller dataset, such as Penn Treebank, I found that large batch size works better.
  • --fixed_stack is always recommended. Without this, the training will be done by the older code that is not fully tensorized and thus slow.

Parsing strategies

The above example specifies --strategy top_down, which means a parse tree is predicted completely top-down. In addition to this, we also provide the in-order strategy (--strategy in_order), which is almost the same as the left-corner strategy in Kuncoro et al. (2018). Terminological issue: I use the term "in-order" to mean "arc-standard left-corner", signifying the difference from "arc-eager left-corner".


We provide word-synchronous beam search and particle filter for search method at test time. These allow to obtain 1-best parse as well as perplexity as a fully-incremental language model.

Running word-synchronous beam search:

$ head -n 3 test.tokens
Influential members of the House Ways and Means Committee introduced legislation that would restrict how the new savings-and-loan bailout agency can raise capital , creating another potential obstacle to the government 's sale of sick thrifts .
The bill , whose backers include Chairman Dan Rostenkowski -LRB- D. , Ill. -RRB- , would prevent the Resolution Trust Corp. from raising temporary working capital by having an RTC-owned bank or thrift issue debt that would n't be counted on the federal budget .
The bill intends to restrict the RTC to Treasury borrowings only , unless the agency receives specific congressional authorization .

$ python beam_search.py --test_file valid.tokens --model_file rnng.pt --batch_size 20 --beam_size 100
--word_beam_size 10 --shift_size 1 --block_size 1000 --gpu 0 --lm_output_file surprisals.txt > valid.parsed

--beam_size, --word_beam_size, and --shift_size are three sizes specifying the behavior of word synchronous beam search, corresponding to beam size for transitions between two tokens, beam size saved at each word boundary, and number of beam actions forcefully shifted at each step (i.e., fast-track).

--block_size is the number of sentences in a pool, from which mini-baches of sentences are created. Output is dumped after processing every this many sentences.

Alternately, you can search with particle filtering rather than fixed size beam search:

$ python beam_search.py --test_file valid.tokens --model_file rnng.pt --batch_size 20 --particle_filter
--particle_size 1000 --gpu 0 --lm_output_file surprisals.txt > valid.parsed


This repository is originally based on the Unsupervised Recurrent Neural Network Grammars by Yoon Kim, Alexander Rush, Lei Yu, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Chris Dyer, and Gabor Melis.
