
:basketball: Script for generating the rotowire-modified dataset (Iso et al; ACL 2019)

Primary LanguagePython


Script for generating the rotowire-modified dataset for Learning to Select, Track, and Generate for Data-to-Text (Iso et al; ACL 2019).


This script generates the dataset "rotowire-modified" by extracting required data from the original rotowire dataset. We are not allowed to distribute the dataset itself due to the copyright issue, so we distribute only the script. The new dataset generated by this script is almost the same as, but not identical to the dataset used in the paper (Iso et al; ACL 2019). ACL's dataset contains 14 games that do not appear in the original rotowire and have to be obtained from https://www.rotowire.com and https://www.nba.com. Further information of the 14 games is listed in additional_games.txt. In addition, there are a number of slight differences in data records due to the update of the original pages. For empirical comparison by other researchers, we also distribute the experimental result on this new rotowire-modified dataset at the sports-reporter repo.

Statistic of the datasets

Data Train Validation Test Total
rotowire (Wiseman'2017) 3398 727 728 4853
rotowire-modified (Iso et al; ACL 2019) 2714 534 500 3748
rotowire-modified (This repo) 2705 532 497 3734


Since this script simply removed duplicate records from the original dataset, the data format is the same as that of the original rotowire dataset. Please refer to boxscore-data repo.


You can download the original dataset (Wiseman'2017) from the boxscore-data repo, and then, transform it as bellow. The script will create a directory "rotowire-modified", which contains train.json, valid.json, and test.json files.

DATA_PATH=<path to the locally downloaded original dataset>
python script/generate_rotowire_modified.py --src_dir $DATA_PATH