Stocks analysis using python packages
This notebook plots the following stock charts:
- Price and Volume charts
- Price, SMA, and EMA charts
- Price, SMA-50, and SMA-200 charts under config folder has the following parameters that you can configure to pass to the notebook:
- TICKER - Ticker symbol, e.g., MSFT, this must be a ticker symbol
- START - start date, e.g. 2021-01-01. This property needs to be adjusted for a ticker as some of them may not have older data
- TEMPLATE - template for display, it must be one of plotly's template types, e.g. plotly_dark, check Theming and templates in Python for other templates
- TICKERS - list of similar stocks to compare performance. You can also add an index such as Nasdaq 100 (^NDX) to the list
Stock Technical Analysis uses the following main packages:
- yfinance - reading stocks data
- TA Lib - Technical Analysis, e.g., SMA, EMA calculations
- plotly - plotting graphs
- jproperties - reading the property file
- pandas - date utilities
An example of a chart showing Price and Volume:
This notebook plots the following stock charts:
- Candlestick
- RSI and Volume
- Bollinger Bands
This notebook inserts Earnings data into MongoDB Atlas database