
Repository contains script to install i3wm with modded simple configuration

Primary LanguagePython


Make your ArchLinux hyper fast and flexible with one script

OverviewInstallationConfiguration reference


This repo contains set of preconfigured settings to make your i3-wm looks beautiful.

Currently included features:

  • Compton effects for windows. Such as blur and fading.
  • I3-gaps.
  • Conky system monitor as bottom status bar.
  • Font awesome support.


Standart mode

screenshot1 screenshot2 screenshot3

Music mode

music1 music2 music2


To install this i3setup. You can simply run following:

git clone https://github.com/s3rius/i3wm-autoConfig.git
cd i3wm-autoConfig/
chmod 777 install.sh

This bunch of commands will install this desktop environment on your arch-based distro.

Key bindings

  • Open treminal: Super+Enter;
  • Go to specific workspace: Super+N, where N - number [1-0];
  • Send focused window on specific workspace: Super+Shift+N;
  • Open menu: Super+d;
  • Take a screenshot to clipboard: PrtSc;
  • Save screenshot in ~/Pictures/: Super+PrtSc;
  • Cut screenshot in clipboard: Shift+PrtSc;
  • Open home folder: Super+e;
  • Change keybord layout: CapsLock;
  • Exit current X session: Super+Shift+e;
  • Restart i3: Super+Shift+r;
  • Reload configuration: Super+Shift+c;

Resize mode

  • Enter resize mode: Super+r;
  • Exit resize mode: Esc or Enter;

Use arrow keys to change focused window size.


  • To navigate opened windows on screen use: Super+Arrow keys;
  • To move windows in current workspace ues: Super+Shift+Arrow keys.


  • Change layout to stacked: Super+s;
  • Change layout to tabbed: Super+w;
  • Change layout to default: Super+x;