Video velocity measurement

The real-time video analysis algorithm module based on tensorrt dynamic batch inference accesses the upper layer service at the model inference output end. Business involved:Video velocity measurement


main module description


The algorithm serves the underlying algorithm implementation : tracking algorithm, optical flow algorithm.


Interactive interface with the back-end : mainly related to grpc communication and shared memory read and write.


Parallel Task Management Module : Tasks that need to be processed in parallel can be placed here and currently include tracking tasks.


Business application module : including the underlying algorithm scheduling, business configuration, business table, etc.


Algorithm configuration

Modify the underlying algorithm configuration, see “model/config/config.yaml”

De: model_path: './model/engine_file/model.432FP32.engine' input_name: 'inputs' output_name: 'outputs' cates: [ 'bg','water' ] half: False

Business configuration

pass in a json object. The configuration file format is detailed in "./application/config/water_flow_velocity_config.json"

    "camera": "001",
    "rois": 2,
    "rois_shape": [[432, 131], [432, 131]],
    "left_top": [[0, 0], [0, 0]],
    "distance": 12.3,
    "change": []
    "camera": "002",
    "rois": 1,
    "rois_shape": [[432, 131]],
    "left_top": [[0, 0]],
    "distance": 11.0,
    "change": [0]


Local testing

Enter the project root directory, business testing local test.

python module_test/

back-end joint debugging

Start the grpc server and run python grpc/