
Add access control to your components using hierarchal configuration.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🔑 ngx-access 🔑

Add access control to your components using hierarchical configuration.

Npm version

Benefits of ngx-access

  • No more endless if statements in your components
  • Define only the accesses you really need
  • Do not add useless accesses for your Route/Layout components
  • Define your access control as logical expressions
  • Centralize your access control configuration
  • Document your application security
  • Define your own strategy to verify if the user has a given access

In a nutshell

Access control configuration

  "Home": {
    "Main": {
      "User": {
        "Email": {
          "Read": "CanReadUserEmail",
          "Update": "CanUpdateUserEmail"
        "Password": {
          "Update": "CanUpdateUserPassword"
        "Address": {
          "Read": "CanReadUserAddress",
          "Update": "CanUpdateUserAddress"

Component template

<app-user-form *ngxAccess="'Home.Main.User:Update'"></app-user-form>


app-user-form component is displayed only if user has at least one of the Update accesses defined in the Home.Main.User access path hierarchy, namely: CanUpdateUserEmail or CanUpdateUserPassword or CanUpdateUserAddress accesses.


Getting Started

Install ngx-access

npm install --save ngx-access

Define the access control strategy

import { AccessStrategy } from 'ngx-access';

export class TrueAccessStrategy implements AccessStrategy {
  * called method over each matched access
  * example: has("CanUpdateUserEmail")
  has(access: string): Observable<boolean> {
    // return this.authService.getUserAccesses().some(userAccess => userAccess === access)
    return of(true);

Import AccessModule

import { AccessGuard, AccessModule } from 'ngx-access';

// Better define in a configuration file [See below]
const accesses = {
  Home: {
    Main: {
      User: {
        Email: {
          Read: "CanReadUserEmail",
          Update: "CanUpdateUserEmail"
        Password: {
          Update: "CanUpdateUserPassword"
        Address: {
          Read: "CanReadUserAddress",
          Update: "CanUpdateUserAddress"

   imports: [
         strategy: { provide: AccessStrategy, useClass: TrueAccessStrategy }
export class AppModule { }

Usage in template

Simple usage

<app-user-form *ngxAccess="'Home.Main.User:Update'" [user]="user"></app-user-form>

<app-user-form *ngxAccess="'Home.Main.User:Update'; else unauthorized" [user]="user"></app-user-form>

<ng-template #unauthorized>
  You do not have enough permissions to update user info

Multiple Access Paths

<app-home *ngxAccess="['Home.Main:Update', 'Home.Main:Read']"></app-home>

Router Links

<a href="" [routerLink]="['view', user.id]" *ngxAccess="'Home.Main.User:Read'">
    View User
<a href="" [routerLink]="['edit', user.id]" *ngxAccess="'Home.Main.User:Update'">
    Edit User

Container Component

Repeat access path

    <input *ngxAccess="'Main.User.Email:Update'" [(ngModel)]="user.email"></span>
    <input *ngxAccess="'Main.User.Password:Update'" [(ngModel)]="user.password"></span>
    <app-address *ngxAccess="'Main.User.Address:Update'" [(ngModel)]="user.address"></app-address>

DRY version

<div ngxAccess="Main.User:Update">
    <input *ngxAccess="'$.Email'" [(ngModel)]="user.email"></span>
    <input *ngxAccess="'$.Password'" [(ngModel)]="user.password"></span>
    <app-address *ngxAccess="'$.Address'" [(ngModel)]="user.address"></app-address>


$ is replaced by Main.User.

Update is appended to the resulting string.

Usage in code

Route guard

import { AccessGuard, AccessModule, AccessStrategy } from 'ngx-access';

   imports: [
         accesses: {
            User: {
               Profile: {
                  Read: 'CanAccessUserProfile'
               Billing: {
                  Read: 'CanAccessUserBilling'
         redirect: '/forbidden',
         strategy: { provide: AccessStrategy, useClass: MyAccessStrategy }
         { path: 'forbidden', component: UnauthorizedComponent },
            path: 'profile',
            component: ProfileComponent,
            canActivate: [AccessGuard],
            data: {
               expression: 'User.Profile:Read'
export class AppModule { }


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AccessService } from 'ngx-access';

  selector: 'app-main',
  templateUrl: './main.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./main.component.css']
export class MainComponent {
  constructor(private accessService: AccessService) { }

  submit() {
    let formData = {};
    if (this.accessService.hasAccess('User.Profile:Update')) {
      // Populate formData...



Type Description Evaluation
Single "Access1" true if user has Access1
Array ["Access1", "Access2"] true if user has Access1 OR Access2
And "Access1 AND Access2" true if user has Access1 AND Access2.
Or [WIP] "Access1 OR Access2" true if user has Access1 OR Access2
And/Or [WIP] "Access1 AND (Access2 OR Access3)" true if user has Access1 AND (Access2 OR Access3)


  "Home": {
    "Notifications": {
       "Read": "
          CanReadNotifications AND 
          (CanReadUpdateNotifications OR CanReadDeleteNotifications OR CanReadCreateNotifications)


  <a href="" routerLink="/notifications" *ngxAccess="'Home.Notifications:Read'">
      Display Notifications


Link is displayed only if user has CanReadNotifications access AND at least one of CanReadUpdateNotifications OR CanReadDeleteNotifications OR CanReadCreateNotifications accesses.

External access configuration

1. Enable JSON imports in tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "declaration": false,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,

2. Create ngx-access configuration

  "Home": {
    "User": {
      "Email": {
        "Read": "CanReadUserEmail",
        "Update": "CanUpdateUserEmail"
      "Password": {
        "Update": "CanUpdateUserPassword"
      "Address": {
        "Update": "CanUpdateUserAddress"

3. Import ngx-access configuration

import accesses from './path/to/access.json';

   imports: [


MIT © Chihab Otmani