Build your own CNC machine/laser with CNCLib and CNCStepper.
Both projects are on github.
Use the windows CNCLib application to control your CNC machine.
see folder: Sketch
8 bit Arduino: Uno, Nano, Duemilanove, Mega 2560, Pro
32 bit Arduino: Due, zero, M0
Arduino Shields: CNCShield, Ramps 1.4, Ramps FD
Drivers: A4988, DRV8825, SMC 800, L298 and TB6560
LCD 12864 (using u8glib) and SD
can be used with servos (see sketch IRobot)
Stepper motor library with acceleration support
GCode Interpreter basic and extended (Arduino dependent)
Axis supported: 4 or 6, depending on the hardware
LCD Support
SD Support
HPGL Interpreter sample
- clone or download repository
- use Arduino IDE >= 1.8.7
- set "Sketchbook location" to /Sketch (Arduino IDE Menu: File->Preferences) - this is necessary to find the libraries
- install the library u8g2 (Menu: Sketch->Include library->Manage libraries)
- for arduino due and/or zero install the board (Menu: Tools->Board: xxx->Boards Manager...)
- open sketch - MiniCNC, MaxiCNC, ...
- configure machine (see: configuration.h)
- select Arduino (Uno, Due, ...) and USB port
- download sketch
- configure machine (EEprom) using CNCLib (