
A simple script to convert a har file, generated on Chrome Dev Tools, to Spirent Avalanche action list

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A simple script to convert a har file, generated on Chrome Dev Tools, to Spirent Avalanche action list


First open Chrome DevTools an generate a HAR file from your network tab. cf. https://developer.chrome.com/devtools/docs/network

Then convert to a action list file for Avalanche:

./har2avalanche.rb my-file.har > avalanche.txt

You can check Avalanche documentation


List the options with the --help flag:

./har2avalanche.rb --help
Usage: har2avalanche.rb [options]

    -f, --file FILE                  HAR file to be parsed
    -b, --best-try                   Tries the best to simulate reality
                                     flags --with-referer --with-headers
        --include-hosts x,y,z...     Hosts to be whitelisted
        --exclude-hosts x,y,z...     Hosts to be blacklisted
    -R, --with-referer               Add <REFERER> directive
    -H, --with-headers               Add <ADDITIONAL_HEADER> directives
        --include-headers x,y,z...   Headers to be whitelisted
                                     flags --with-headers
        --exclude-headers x,y,z...   Headers to be blacklisted
                                     flags --with-headers

    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Show version