
Source for all tsuru PPAs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains sources for Tsuru's Debian packages.

##Install packages from repository

###Ubuntu precise (12.04 LTS) / Ubuntu trusty (14.04 LTS)

The simplest way to use is the official vagrant provision. Install vagrant and your favorite vagrant provider before running these commands:

% git clone https://github.com/tsuru/tsuru-bootstrap.git
% cd tsuru-bootstrap
% vagrant up

Now sit down and for a cup of tea, you'll notice that tsuru is installed automatically.

Else, you can always use these packages on Ubuntu via Tsuru ppa:

% sudo apt-add-repository ppa:tsuru/ppa
% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install tsuru-client

Debian wheezy (7.x stable)

We are still working on to support Debian wheezy. But you can install it manually now.

At first, ensure you have the official "wheezy-backports" repository in your APT source list. The whole stuff includes tsuru and docker, requires backports packages to be installed.

Afterwards, you should build all packages locally. We recommend you to build them under Ubuntu trusty. Because Debian wheezy may not compatible with some building requirements.

Set VERSIONS variable may help you to accelerate the building procedures. If you do not need packages for other distributions:

% echo "VERSIONS = wheezy" >> variables.local.mk

After the building, you can find a local repository named ./localrepo. Add these lines to Debian wheezy APT source list:

deb file:///path/to/localrepo wheezy-backports main
deb-src file:///path/to/localrepo wheezy-backports main

Run apt-get update, you can install tsuru for Debian:

% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install tsuru-client

##Building locally


In order to install the necessary dependencies, on Ubuntu, run with a sudoer user:

% make prepare

golang>=1.1 is required to be available in your APT sources. So we recommend you to build locally under Ubuntu trusty (14.04, or later) or Debian jessie (8.x, or later).

###Building source packages

In order to build source package(s) for one software, run make <package-name>.buildsrc. For instance:

% make tsuru-server.buildsrc

To build source packages for all softwares, run:

% make buildsrc

The result package(s) is/are located in directory ./<package-name>.buildsrc.

###Building binary packages

To build all packages just run:

% make builddeb

Or you just want to build one package, run make <package-name>.builddeb. For instance:

%make tsuru-server.builddeb 

The result package(s) is/are located in directory ./<package-name>.builddeb.

You do not need to build the source packages before binary building. The make command will build the necessary source packages for you.

The binary(.deb) packages building process is depend on cowbuilder - an wrapper with super powers to pbuilder, already installed with prepare target and initialized automatically. But you can still initialize cowbuilder environments by:

% make builder

It will create all ubuntu & debian releases environments supported by Tsuru team.

###Uploading source packages to PPA (only Ubuntu distributions)

You can upload any signed source packages to your own PPA, just use:

% PPA="tsuru/ppa" make tsuru-server.upload

You do not need to build the source packages before uploading. The make command will build the necessary source packages for you.

Notice: launchpad.net requires source packages only. It will build all binary .deb packages on its cloud after uploading. And do not try to upload Debian distribution packages, it will simply fail.

###Hosting local repository (Ubuntu & Debian)

Because PPA only supports Ubuntu, we introduced reprepro to manage and host both Ubuntu and Debian packages. It will be initialized with cowbuilder. Or you can initialize it separately as your wish. Just run:

% make localrepo

And you can find your local repository at ./localrepo.

After initialization, you can build and import your binary packages into ./localrepo just by run make <package-name>.builddeb.

Custom variables

All variables defined in variables.mk can be overrided by variables with the same name defined in variables.local.mk. So you can simply custom them in the local file.

Required custom variables

Variable GPGID is required for the local repository and/or PPA repository. You can generate a GPG key with gnupg:

% sudo apt-get install gnupg
% gpg --gen-key

After finding out your GPG id or GPG email, you can specify the GPGID in variables.local.mk:

GPGID = for@example.com

Or just passing the variable when you run make:

% GPGID=for@example.com make some_stuff

Recommended custom variables

We recommended you to custom your Debian & Ubuntu mirror repository in variables.local.mk to make the building process faster. For example, on an EC2 instance:

DEBIAN_MIRROR = http://cloudfront.debian.net/debian
UBUNTU_MIRROR = http://us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu

Variable DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME is required if you want to custom the signature in debian/changelog:

export DEBEMAIL = johndue@example.com
export DEBFULLNAME = John Due 


Bump versions

If a package is old, you can upgrade it following these steps:

  1. Define env vars DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL in ~/.profile and source it. Else, you can skip this step and specify these vars in next step.

  2. Upgrade files in the <package-name>-deb/debian directory, adjust debian/changelog:

     % cd golang-deb
     % DEBFULLNAME=<fullname> DEBEMAIL=<email> dch -D unstable

    You should always use "unstable" as the distribution code the *.builddeb target will change it to proper code automatically

  3. Bump the TAG_* variable defined in variables.mk:

    TAG_golang = 1.3

  4. Build source package or binary package if you needed.