
A programme for a smart thermostat, built in JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A smart thermostat program, built entirely in javascript.


  • Thermostat starts at 20 degrees
  • You can increase the temp with the up button
  • You can decrease the temp with the down button
  • The minimum temperature is 10 degrees
  • If power saving mode is on, the maximum temperature is 25 degrees
  • If power saving mode is off, the maximum temperature is 32 degrees
  • Power saving mode is default
  • You can reset the temperature to 20 by hitting the reset button
  • The thermostat colours the display based on energy usage - < 18 is green, < 25 is yellow, otherwise red

Technologies Used

  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Git
  • Jasmine

How to set it up

git clone git@github.com:aitkenster/thermostat-js.git
cd thermostat-js

How to run it

Open index.html in the browser.

How to test it:

Open /lib/jasmine/SpecRunner.html in the browser.