
Highly maintainable & modular NodeJS starter project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NodeJS, Express and MongoDB starter

David David node npm npm GitHub issues GitHub top language GitHub contributors npm version vulnerabilities PRs Welcome MIT License

Introduction video

Table of Content

Getting started

Using izm CLI

npx izm
# Then follow the wizard

Manual clone

git clone git@github.com:izmjs/izmjs.git new-project
cd new-project
npm i
echo "NODE_ENV=development" > .env/.common.env
cp .example.env .env/.development.env

Optional: Add devtools functional module:

git clone git@github.com:izmjs/devtools.git modules/devtools
npm i

Start the project

npm start

Useful Commands

  • npm start - starts a dev server with nodemon
  • npm test - runs tests with mocha
  • npm run generate:module [name] - generate a new module (Optionnally you can give the name in the command line, otherwise you will be prompted to choose a name.)

VSCode helpers


This shortcut will put a definition of new IAM rules in the file.


Will generate a new route


Will generate the definition of a method.


Create new controller.


Generate a new mongoose model.


To skip loading a module, specify it in the env variable SKIP_MODULES



Auto depmloyment (Gitlab CI)

You need to define these environment variables in your repository:

  • PRODUCTION_URL: The production URL
  • PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_SERVER: List of production servers addresses or IP addresses. Should be separated by ,.
  • PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_PATH: Where to deploy project on production hosts.
  • PRODUCTION_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: The SSH key to use to connect to production servers.
  • STAGING_URL: The staging URL
  • STAGING_DEPLOY_SERVER: List of staging servers addresses or IP addresses. Should be separated by ,.
  • STAGING_DEPLOY_PATH: Where to deploy project on staging hosts.
  • STAGING_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: The SSH key to use to connect to staging servers.
