Lithops Transparency Validation

This repository contains the code of the experiments carried out in the validation of the X article.



All micro-benchmarks code can be found in the micro-benchmarks directory

  1. Fork-join overhead.
  2. Network latency and throughput.
  3. Computational performance
  4. Disk performance
  5. Shared memory performance

Further instructions on how to replicate the experiments and the parameters used can be found here


All applications used from external sources are property of their respective original contributors. This repository contains the source code of the applications with the modifications made to be executed with Lithops multiprocessing.

  1. Evolution strategies from Uber-research
  2. OpenAI Baselines from Open AI
  3. Pandaral·lel from Manu NALEPA (Pandaral·lel creator).
  4. Gridsearch hyperparameter tuning from Scikit-learn and joblib.

Further instructions on how to replicate the experiments and the parameters used can be found at the of each application directory.