
This repository shares the models used in our IST paper for replicability purposes. This IST paper is an extension of the GECCO 2018 paper:

Arrieta, A., Wang, S., Arruabarrena, A., Markiegi, U., Sagardui, G., & Etxeberria, L. (2018, July). Multi-objective black-box test case selection for cost-effectively testing simulation models. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (pp. 1411-1418). ACM.

The repository for the conference version paper is:

We provide the models, scripts for experiments execution, test cases, mutants and results.

(1) The folder "Models" provides for each case study:

(1.1) The simulink model of the system, and their corresponding initialization file (can change the name for each case study).

(1.2) A file named as "TestCases.mat" providing the test cases in signal form (for the CW we provide the signal builder generated by Simulink Design Verifier for the MC/DC criterion).

(1.3) A file to execute test cases (TestCaseExecution.m). It provides a small interface so that the user can easily execute test cases.

(1.4) A folder named "Mutants" with the final set of derived mutants.

(1.5) Scripts to launch the experiments

(2) The folder "Results" provides for each case study the raw data related to the results obtained in the empirical evaluation. The fortmat is the following ALGORITHM_CONFIGURATION.txt, where the ALGORITHM is the selected algorithm and configuration is the selected fitness function (e.g., GA_c3 is the NSGA-II algorithm for the c3 combination (Growth to infinity and TET objectives).

(3) Some case studies need to download some large files that could not be able to upload on github. This is the example for the EMB case study. To download this, refer to this link (to be updated regularly):