
Single-threaded off-heap object store

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Language grade: Java

Recall Icon

Recall is an off-heap, allocation-free object store for the JVM.


Recall is designed for use in allocation-free or low-garbage systems. Objects are expected to be mutable in order to reduce allocation costs. For this reason, domain objects should have mutator methods for any fields that need to be serialised.



dependencies {
    compile group: 'com.aitusoftware', name: 'recall-store', version: '0.2.0'



Recall can use either a standard JDK ByteBuffer or an Agrona UnsafeBuffer for storage of objects outside of the Java heap.

To use the Recall object store, implement the Encoder, Decoder, and IdAccessor interface for a given object and buffer type:

public class Order {
  private long id;
  private double quantity;
  private double price;

  // constructor omitted
  // getters and setters omitted

Implement Encoder

public class OrderEncoder implements Encoder<ByteBuffer, Order> {
  public void store(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, Order order) {
    buffer.putLong(offset, order.getId());
    buffer.putDouble(offset + Long.BYTES, order.getQuantity());
    buffer.putDouble(offset + Long.BYTES + Double.BYTES, order.getPrice());

Implement Decoder

public class OrderDecoder implements Decoder<ByteBuffer, Order> {
  public void load(ByteBuffer buffer, int offset, Order target) {
    target.setQuantity(buffer.getDouble(offset + Long.BYTES));
    target.setPrice(buffer.getDouble(offset + Long.BYTES + Double.BYTES));

Implement IdAccessor

public class OrderIdAccessor implements IdAccessor<Order> {
  public long getId(Order order) {
    return order.getId();


Create a Store:

BufferStore<ByteBuffer> store =
  new BufferStore<>(24, 100, ByteBuffer::allocateDirect, new ByteBufferOps());

Optionally wrap it in a SingleTypeStore (if only one type is going to be stored):

SingleTypeStore<ByteBuffer, Order> typeStore =
  new SingleTypeStore<>(store, new OrderDecoder(), new OrderEncoder(),
    new OrderIdAccessor());

Storage and Retrieval

Domain objects can be serialised to off-heap storage, and retrieved at a later time:

long orderId = 42L;
Order testOrder = new Order(orderId, 12.34D, 56.78D);

Order container = new Order(-1, -1, -1);
assert typeStore.load(orderId, container);
assert container.getQuantity() == 12.34D;

SBE integration

Recall is able to provide efficient off-heap storage of SBE-encoded messages.

This example uses the canonical Car example from SBE.

SBE codecs

SBE objects must be generated with:


this causes the Decoder to implement MessageDecoderFlyweight.

Implement IdAccessor

It is necessary to implement the IdAccessor interface for the SBE Decoder type:

public class CarIdAccessor implements IdAccessor<CarDecoder> {
  public long getId(CarDecoder decoder) {
    return decoder.id();

SBE Message Store

Create a SingleTypeStore for the type of the Decoder:

SingleTypeStore<UnsafeBuffer, CarDecoder> messageStore =
  SbeMessageStoreFactory.forSbeMessage(new CarDecoder(),
    len -> new UnsafeBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(len)),
    new CarIdAccessor());

Note: it is up to the application developer to determine the maximum length of any given SBE message (even in the case of variable-length fields).

If an encoded value exceeds the specified maximum record length, then the store method will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

SBE messages can now be stored for later retrieval:


public void receiveCar(ReadableByteChannel channel) {
  CarDecoder decoder = new CarDecoder();
  UnsafeBuffer buffer = new UnsafeBuffer();
  ByteBuffer inputData = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(MAX_RECORD_LENGTH);
  decoder.wrap(buffer, 0, BLOCK_LENGTH, VERSION);



public void notifyCarSold(long carId) {
  CarDecoder decoder = new CarDecoder();
  messageStore.load(carId, decoder);


Non-integer keys

Since it is sometimes useful to be able to store and retrieve objects by something other than an integer key, Recall also provides the ability to create mappings based on variable-length keys based on either strings, or byte-sequences.


CharSequenceMap is an open-addressed hash map with that can be used to store a CharSequence against an integer identifier.

Example usage:

private final OrderByteBufferTranscoder transcoder =
    new OrderByteBufferTranscoder();
private final SingleTypeStore<ByteBuffer, Order> store =
    new SingleTypeStore<>(
    ByteBuffer::allocateDirect, new ByteBufferOps()),
    transcoder, transcoder, Order::getId);
private final CharSequenceMap orderBySymbol =
    new CharSequenceMap(MAX_KEY_LENGTH, INITIAL_SIZE, Long.MIN_VALUE);

private void execute()
    final String[] symbols = new String[INITIAL_SIZE];
    for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_SIZE; i++)
        final Order order = Order.of(i);

        orderBySymbol.insert(order.getSymbol(), order.getId());
        symbols[i] = order.getSymbol().toString();

    final Order container = Order.of(-1L);
    for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_SIZE; i++)
        final String searchTerm = symbols[i];
        final long id = orderBySymbol.search(searchTerm);

        assertThat(store.load(id, container)).isTrue();
        System.out.printf("Order with symbol %s has id %d%n", searchTerm, id);


ByteSequenceMap is an open-addressed hash map with that can be used to store a ByteBuffer against an integer identifier.