
This repository contains the Go font adapted for the web.

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository contains the Go font adapted for the web.

Crostini Terminal

This is a short explanation on how to display the font in ChromeOS terminal:

We cannot add a new font to ChromeOS, but Secure Shell can be customized using CSS. Since I want to display the font offline, it will be stored inside Crostini, served with an HTTP server, and loaded with CSS into Secure Shell.

  1. install a web server of your choice
  2. clone this repo in your public folder
  3. ensure that the file from the repo are served with CORS
    • for Caddy add header /go-font/ Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
  4. hit ctrl+shift+p and set the police to Go Mono
  5. add an user-css as http://penguin.linux.test:3000/go-font/Go%20Mono.css