This is an example project to run a Node application using Systemd. The goals of this project is to have:
- a running web server
- a systemd config
- a process that linger after user's logout
To lauch a Node application using Systemd:
- create a systemd folder:
mkdir ~/.config/systemd/user
- copy the service file:
cp systemd/user/node-systemd.service ~/.config/systemd/user
- lauch the service:
systemctl --user start node-systemd
- look at the service's log:
journalctl --user-unit node-systemd
If everything went well you know have a running Node application! But, when you logout of the server
the process will stop. To allow an user to lauch long running process: sudo loginctl enable-linger USER
To ensure that your application is started with the server, you need to run: systemctl --user enable node-systemd