
Data Modeling with Postgres

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Data Modeling with Postgres

Project Overview

A startup called Sparkify wants to analyze the data they've been collecting on songs and user activity on their new music streaming app. The analytics team is particularly interested in understanding what songs users are listening to. Currently, they don't have an easy way to query their data, which resides in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app, as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app.

Project Description

This project creates data model in Postgres to store songplays analytical data. An ETL pipeline is part of the project to load songs/logs data from data directory and populate tables after applying transformations in Python.

Data Model (Star Schema)

Fact Table

songplays - Main data table used for analytical queries about song plays.

  • songplay_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, (uniquely indentifies a song play)
  • start_time TIMESTAMP REFERENCES time(start_time), (start time of user song play, FK from time table)
  • user_id INT REFERENCES users(user_id), (FK from users table, identifying a user)
  • level VARCHAR(100), (level of a user)
  • song_id VARCHAR(30) REFERENCES songs(song_id), (FK from songs table, identifying a song)
  • artist_id VARCHAR(30) REFERENCES artists(artist_id), (FK from artists table, identifying an artist)
  • session_id INT NOT NULL, (user session id from log file)
  • location TEXT, (location of user from log file)
  • user_agent TEXT (user agent string from log file)

songplay_id is chosen as Primary Key as it uniquely identifies a records. Other columns contain duplicate values.

Dimension Tables

users - users information from log files

  • first_name VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
  • last_name VARCHAR(250),
  • gender CHAR(1),
  • level VARCHAR(100)

user_id is chosen as Primary Key because it unique indentifies a user. Other columns may contain duplicate values.

songs - songs information from songs json files

  • song_id VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY,
  • title VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,
  • artist_id VARCHAR(30),

song_id is chosen as Primary Key.

artists - artists information from songs json files

  • artist_id VARCHAR(30) PRIMARY KEY,
  • name VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL,
  • location TEXT,
  • latitude VARCHAR(100),
  • longitude VARCHAR(100)

artist_id is chosen as Primary Key.

time - timestamps from log files broken down into units

  • hour SMALLINT,
  • day SMALLINT,
  • week SMALLINT,
  • month SMALLINT,
  • year SMALLINT,
  • weekday VARCHAR(15)

start_time is selected as primary key as it is a unique value.

Description of Quries

Drop/Create Tables

These queries are pretty straight forward and create/drop tables.

Insert Statements

There are seperate insert quries for each table. These are upsert queries rather than simple insert statements. The reason behind this choice is to ignore conflicting insert satements (on primary key columns). However, for the users table insert, it will update the level of the user if there is a conflict. EXCLUDED table is used in the ON CONFLICT UPDATE part of the UPSERT statement to get the new value being inserted.

Find Songs Query

It selects song_id and artist_id by JOINing songs and artists tables ON artist_id. The problem this query is solving is that there is no information about artist_id and song_id in the log file so we had to JOIN these two tables to get the required information (to insert in songplays table) based on title, artist_name and duration.

Description of Project Files/Directories

data: contains data about songs and logs of song plays.

test.ipynb: displays the first few rows of each table for verification.

create_tables.py: drops and creates tables. Run this file to reset tables before running ETL scripts.

etl.ipynb: reads and processes a single file from song_data and log_data and loads the data into tables.

etl.py: reads and processes all files from song_data and log_data and loads them into tables.

sql_queries.py: contains all sql queries, and is imported into the last three files above.

README.md: contains discussion about the project.