
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The repository represents the set of jupyter noteboooks for ml workshop.

Below is the separation of the notebooks by level and topics that is covers:

Level 1:

1. complete_notebooks/MNIST-classification.ipynb - classification task, implementing classification from scratch

Level 2:

2. complete_notebooks/TagsPrediction.ipynb - multi lable classification, Bag of words, TFiDF

Level 3:

3. complete_notebooks/charrnn_pytorch.ipynb - Recurrent neural network

Level 4:

4. complete_notebooks/text_generation_pytorch.ipynb - word embeddings, complex recurrent networks(lstm, gru)

Level 5:

5. complete_notebooks/NER-pytorch.ipynb - bidirectional RNN networks

Level 6:

6. complete_notebooks/artistic_transfer.ipynb - artistic style transfer 

Level 1:


Level 2:


Level 3:
