
Collect and export PHP App metrics with ease

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PHP Prometheus Client


This package provides you an ability to collect and export Prometheus metrics from any modern PHP application.


  • Until now, there was no working Prometheus client for modern PHP
  • Framework-agnostic
  • Almost zero dependencies
  • Won't break your business logic even if something is wrong with Metrics Storage
  • Ready to use with static analysis tools (PHPStan, Psalm)

Supported metric types

  1. Counter
  2. Gauge
  3. Histogram

Summary is still in development. What can I do if my client library does not support the metric type I need?



composer require zlodes/prometheus-exporter

Class responsibilities

Interface Description Default implementation
Registry To declare a specific metric ArrayRegistry
Storage Metrics values storage InMemoryStorage
Exporter Output collected metrics StoredMetricsExporter

Each class should be registered as a service. As a singleton in Laravel or shared service in Symfony.

Simple example


use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Collector\CollectorFactory;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Exporter\StoredMetricsExporter;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Metric\Counter;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Metric\Gauge;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Metric\Histogram;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Registry\ArrayRegistry;
use Zlodes\PrometheusClient\Storage\InMemoryStorage;

$registry = new ArrayRegistry();
$storage = new InMemoryStorage();

// Register your metrics
        new Gauge('body_temperature', 'Body temperature in Celsius')
        new Counter('steps', 'Steps count')
        new Histogram('request_duration', 'Request duration in seconds'),

// Create a Collector factory
$collectorFactory = new CollectorFactory(
    new NullLogger(),

// Collect metrics
$bodyTemperatureGauge = $collectorFactory->gauge('body_temperature');

    ->withLabels(['source' => 'armpit'])

    ->withLabels(['source' => 'ass'])


$requestTimer = $collectorFactory



// Export metrics
$exporter = new StoredMetricsExporter(

foreach ($exporter->export() as $metricOutput) {
    echo $metricOutput . "\n\n";

Output example:

# HELP body_temperature Body temperature in Celsius
# TYPE body_temperature gauge
body_temperature{source="armpit"} 36.6
body_temperature{source="ass"} 37.2

# HELP steps Steps count
# TYPE steps counter
steps 1


Run tests

php ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Creating your own Storage

Keys serialization

There is a Serializer interface (with JSON-based implementation) to simplify work with a key-value storage.

Example can be found in InMemoryStorage.

Storage Testing

There is a simple trait to tests any storage you want. Here is an example:

class InMemoryStorageTest extends TestCase
    use StorageTesting;

    private function createStorage(): Storage
        return new InMemoryStorage();