
A guide on how to host your resume on GitHub Pages.

MIT LicenseMIT

How to Create a Static Website for Your Resume


This document provides instructions on how to generate a static website using Jekyll and GitHub Pages to display your resume.

The Principles of Modern Technical Writing

Andrew Etter describes the principles of writing good software documentation in his book, Modern Technical Writing. Some of the key principles mentioned are:

  • Use a lightweight static website generator like Jekyll to format documentation. Lightweight static websites are secure and easy to maintain as they do not need a server and database to function. Additionally, tools like Jekyll also allow us to quickly change the appearance of our documentation by applying different themes.
  • Write documentation in a markup language like Markdown. As we are writing and editing documentation, markup languages allow us to control the layout and styling of our text. It gives us the ability to create lists, add headers, bold or italicize text, and more, by following a simple set of syntax rules.
  • Use a distributed version control tool like GitHub. Platforms like GitHub make it easy for people to collaborate and write documentation together. By keeping shared work in repositories, authors can contribute to others' writing, keep track of new changes, and see what others are working on.

Together, we will apply these principles by hosting a resume written in Markdown in a lightweight static website created using Jekyll and GitHub Pages.


  • Have a registered account on GitHub. Sign up here to create an account.
  • Have a Markdown file containing the content of your resume formatted the way you like. Please check this tutorial if you are new to Markdown.


Create a GitHub repository

  1. Log into your GitHub account.
  2. Click on the green button that says New on the left-hand side of your GitHub homepage.
  3. Enter a repository name with the format [your-github-username].github.io. (Ex: mr-krabs.github.io)
  4. Enter a short description that describes what the repository is for. This could be as simple as: "My resume."
  5. Keep the visibility of the repository public.
  6. Tick off the box that says Add a README file. This will create a Markdown file called README and create the repository's main branch. By default, this README file will contain the name of the repository and the description you entered.
  7. Select the MIT License option in the Choose a license dropdown.
  8. Click the green Create repository button at the bottom of the page.

You have now created a repository where you can upload and store your files!

Set up GitHub Pages

  1. Inside the repository you just created, click on the Settings tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click on Pages on the left-hand side under the Code and automation section.
  3. Select the main option in the first dropdown under the Branch section.
  4. Keep the second dropdown under the Branch section to /(root).
  5. Click on the Save button in the Branch section.
  6. Open a new tab in your browser.
  7. Enter https://[your-github-username].github.io in the address bar of the new tab.
  8. Check that you can see the content of your README file on your website. You should see your repository's name and description.

You have successfully created a simple static website!

Displaying Your Resume

  1. Find the Markdown file that has your resume content on your computer.
  2. Rename that file as index.md.
  3. Go back to your GitHub repository.
  4. Click on the + symbol next to the green dropdown button that says Code.
  5. Select the Upload files option from that dropdown. This will redirect you to the upload file page.
  6. Drag your index.md file to the designated box on the screen.
  7. Click on the green Commit changes button at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected back to the main page of your repository.
  8. Go to the Actions tab in the top navigation bar.
  9. Check that an item in the list of workflows with an orange dot was just added. This means that your changes are currently being uploaded to your website.
  10. Wait until the orange dot turns into a green checkmark. This indicates that your changes are now live on your website.
  11. Go to your website at https://[your-github-username].github.io.
  12. Check that your resume content is now showing instead of the content in your README file.

You are now showing your resume on your website! Next, let's apply a theme to make it look nicer!

Applying a Theme Using Jekyll

  1. Go to the list of GitHub supported Jekyll themes here.
  2. Click on the name of the theme you would like to use from the list. This should redirect you to a GitHub repository for that theme.
  3. Scroll down until you find the README in that repository.
  4. In the README file, find the Usage section.
  5. Under the Usage section, click on the symbol circled in red to copy the text.
  6. Go back to your own GitHub repository.
  7. Click on the + symbol next to the green Code button on the main page of your repository.
  8. Select the Create new file option. This will redirect you to a page with a text editor.
  9. Enter _config.yml in the box that says Name your file... at the top of the text editor.
  10. Paste the text you copied in step 5 into the text box.
  11. Type title: Resume on a new line to add a page title to your website.
  12. Type description: [A short description about yourself] on a new line. The description could be as simple as "Hello, my name is [your-name]." Your _config.yml file should look something similar to this (I used the Minimal theme in this example):
  13. Click on the green Commit changes button on the top right of the text editor.
  14. In the popup that appears, click the green Commit changes button.
  15. Go to the Actions page in your repository to see the new workflow was added.
  16. Wait for the workflow to show a green checkmark.
  17. Once the workflow is done, go to https://[your-github-username].github.io. You should see that your resume now has your chosen theme applied to it.

You are now hosting your resume on GitHub pages with a Jekyll theme!👏

More Resources




Why are lightweight static websites recommended for hosting documentation?

Lightweight static websites are websites that do not need a server or database to work, making them a fast and secure way to host documentation. This type of website is good to use when your main interest is sharing information with others and don't need to incorporate a lot of user interactions, such as simply sharing your resume.

Why are my new changes not showing on my website?

Check that all workflows in the Actions page in your repository have finished. Workflows completed will have a green checkmark next to them. If you see that a workflow has an orange dot next to it, this means that GitHub is still working on updating your website with your changes.