TinyFugue is a terminal-based MU client.
This repository has a number of scripts (plugins) that improve it.
These scripts are all from https://github.com/Sketch/tinyfugue-scripts

Directory structure:
util/    General utilities for TinyFugue.
rp/      Scripts for roleplaying MUs.
mud/     Scripts for action MUs.
mush/    Scripts designed for MUSHes (PennMUSH, TinyMUX, RhostMUSH, etc.)
lib/     Useful scripts that don't provide usable functionality on their own.

util/cg.tf        - Quickly switch worlds by substring.
util/cheecat.tf   - Two improvements on /cat.
util/infinilog.tf - Automatically log everything and rollover logs daily.
util/rwhen.tf     - Find out the timestamp of the most recent matching line.
util/kbdoublestack.tf - Limitlessly save and restore the input buffer.
util/srec.tf      - Search backwards through input history.

mush/chatlimits.tf - /limit keybindings for MUSH: Channels and pages
mush/copyto.tf    - Using @decompile, copy objects from one world to another.
mush/selfspoof.tf - Display your own nospoof info, for clarity when RPing.
mush/teach.tf     - /Teach somebody on a MUSH a useful bit of tf scripting.

rp/repost.tf      - Easily paste lines from log files to continue roleplaying.

Libraries (used by some of the above or for use in your own code):
lib/vworld.tf     - An API for managing connectionless sockets. (Virtual worlds)
lib/assoc.tf      - Association of key/value pairs. (Associative array)
lib/squish.tf     - Compresses runs of a character into a single character.

If you plan to 'git clone' this repository, it is worth investigating:
loader.tf         - Add all the directories of this repository to TFPATH.

I personally coded mush/selfspoof.tf, rp/repost.tf, and util/infinilog.tf.
All scripts are for TinyFugue 5, tested on no lower than version beta 7.
Send questions or comments to Sketch@M*U*S*H (telnet://mush.pennmush.org:4201).
Please watch this repository or tell me if you use any of these scripts;
I'd love to hear what you're doing with them!