
JIRA REST API Client for Go - Golang

Primary LanguageGo


JIRA REST API Client for Go - Golang

What can you do?

  • Adding issue to a Jira board.
    • Assign the user automatically according to "summary" value.
  • Deleting issue from a Jira board.
  • Gel all issues from a Jira board.
  • Find an issue card from a Jira board by the Issue Key.
  • Find an issue card by Issue Summary value.
  • Update the labels of issue
  • Add a new label to the issue.
  • Add a new comment to the issue.
  • Update the description of an issue.
  • Add content to the description of an issue.


import "github.com/baturorkun/go-jira-api"

Set JIRA URL, Username and Password using environment variables

export JIRA_URL="https://yourcompany.atlassian.net"
export JIRA_USER="username"
export JIRA_PASSWORD="password"

Alternatively, you can use the ".env" file. Rename".env.dist" file to ".env" and change values, then you can use a bash file like "run.sh".

sh run.sh <example file>

Example Usages

Example of Adding Issue.

package main

import (

func main() {
	issue := jira.Issue {
		Project: "TEST",
		Labels: []string{"batur", "orkun"},
		Type: "Task",
		Summary: "Test Summary",
		Description: "Test Desc 12345",

	i := jira.New(issue)

	err := i.AddIssue()

	fmt.Printf("%+v \n", err)

	fmt.Printf("%+v \n", i)
sh run.sh examples/add-issue.go

Example of Deleting Issue.

package main

import (

func main() {
	issue := jira.Issue {
		Key: "TEST-13",
	i := jira.New(issue)

	err := i.DelIssue()

	fmt.Printf("%+v \n", err)

	fmt.Printf("%+v \n", i)
sh run.sh examples/add-issue.go

You can find more examples in "examples" directory.


The generated documentation at GoDoc.


MIT, see the LICENSE file.