
Aizan's collection of razor-sharp tools

Primary LanguagePython

Razor Tools

Collection of small and reusable Python tools and utility scripts for plotting.


This package is hosted only on GitHub and git-installable.

pip install git+https://github.com/aixnr/razor

The packages curvemod and vizzy are now available after installation.


  1. Sigmoid curve fitter with curvemod.Sigmoid
  2. Confidence interval with curvemod.ConfInt
  3. Avidity index calculator with curvemod.Avipy
  4. Correlation heatmap with vizzy.Heatermap
  5. LOWESS curve with curvemod.Lowess
  6. Compensation Grid with vizzy.Comp (in flower.py)

Sigmoid curve fitter

Provide x_data and y_data as lists, each value at index n corresponding to one another. Usually, x_data is the concentration or dilution of analyte, while y_data is the readout (e.g. OD values).

Quick tutorial:

# Module import
from curvemod import Sigmoid

fourpl = Sigmoid(x, y).fit()

If plotting multiple curves with data in a Pandas DataFrame, turn Pandas Series into list with .to_list() method, for example:

_x = _df["Dilution"].to_list()
_y = _df["OD450"].to_list()

Confidence interval

Seaborn has sns.regplot() for plotting linear regression with minimal user input. However, it lacks customization, e.g. coloring each individual data points. The class ConfInt from the curvemod module can be used to draw linear regression line with ConfInt.lin_reg() method and the confidence interval band with ConfInt.confidence_interval() method.

Quick tutorial:

# Import
from curvemod import ConfInt

# Load x and y value (list)
my_regression = ConfInt(x_data, y_data)

# Run the chart for both .confidence_interval() and .lin_reg()
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

Avidity index calculator

This module performs avidity index calculation, which is defined as the ratio of area under the curve (AUC) of antibody titration of the chaotrope-treated sample over the non-treated control sample. Basically:

avidity index = AUC of treated sample / AUC of non-treated control sample

This module will perform linear regression with sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression() class, then it will return the predicted y value. This predicted y value will be used to calculate the avidity index. This works based on the assumption that the original y values present as a straight line on the log-transformed x-axis, and the predicted y value is used to increase the robustness of the analysis.

This module assumes the following columns are present:

  • Subject
  • Timepoint
  • Isotype (e.g. IgG, IgA)
  • Antigen
  • Treated (Yes or No, as string)
  • Blank (blank values for the negative control wells)
  • dil_1, dil_2, dil_4, dil_8, dil_16, and dil_32, which hold the OD values

When dilution_mapper is not passed, it will use the default dilution scheme (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32). Whenever the dilution_mapper is supplied (a dictionary, see example code below), it will re-map all the column names for the dilution series accordingly. This is somewhat important when it comes to calculating the AUC with np.trapz() function.

# Module import
from curvemod import Avipy

# Load data from, presumably, a well-annotated Excel spreadsheet
df = pd.read_excel("spreadsheet")

# Provide dilution as dictionary to map the default values
dilution_mapper = {"dil_1": 200, 
                   "dil_2": 400, 
                   "dil_4": 800, 
                   "dil_8": 1600, 
                   "dil_16": 3200, 
                   "dil_32": 6400}

# Instantiate the Avipy object with the name avi
avi = Avipy(df, dilution_mapper=dilution_mapper)

# Return data the supplied data

# Calculate AUC

# Calculate avidity index

# Plot the data
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
avi.plotter(subject, antigen, timepoint, isotype, ax, treshold=0.85)

The .plotter() method plots AUC from the predicted y values as line and shades the AUC till y=0, and it also plots the original y values with circular markers. It outputs, as legend, the R^2 (coefficient of determination) for treated and untreated samples, along with the avidity index. Use your judgment to validate a sample based on the R^2 value. If the R^2 is low (e.g. below 0.7), which indicates a weak agreement between the original and predicted y values, consider investigating that particular sample.

Special handlings:

  • If negative value is encountered in predicted y value, .auc() method would change that into 0. This would prevent from the AUC from being negative.
  • If threshold is set, if the R^2 is below this value, the marker for the original data is set to triangle ^ instead of circle o.

Correlation heatmap

The usual method to generate a correlation heatmap is by using the .corr() method on a Pandas DataFrame, and then draw a heatmap by feeding the output into sns.heatmap() (from Seaborn). This is already great, especially with the ability to use masking (see this tutorial on Towards Data Science: Heatmap Basics with Seaborn) to create a triangular heatmap.

After reading this post on Towards Data Science (Better Heatmaps and Correlation Matrix Plots in Python), I realized that heatmap is essentially a scatterplot. This led to the birth of this Heatermap class. Essentially, it encodes 2 information: the correlation (with marker's color for direction and size for strength) and the p-value (with marker's opacity). Strong correlation makes marker to have color that is intense (positive: red, negative: blue) while weaker correlation (below 0.5 in either direction) reduces the size of the marker. When the correlation isn't significant (p-value > 0.05), the marker turns dim.

Assume that a dataset has rows as observations and n columns as (unique) features with values being numeric (integer or float), then

# Import pyplot and pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Import the Heatermap class and the colorbar() function
from vizzy import Heatermap
from vizzy.heatermap import colorbar

# Load data
df = pd.read_excel("spreadsheet.xlsx")

# Gridspec call, ax1 for the heatmap, ax2 for the colorbar
fig = plt.figure()
gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 16)       # 16-column gridspec

# Main heatmap
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, :-2])  # Column 1 -- 14
Heatermap(df).plotter(size_scale=1200, method="spearman", ax=ax1, shape="o")

# The colorbar
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,-1])    # Column 16
colorbar(ax2, scale_spacing=5)


  • Heatermap.plotter() requires the size_scale to scale the marker, default is 500.
  • It also accepts feature_order parameter to customize the positioning of labels on the x- and y-axis, overriding the automatic sorting. This feature_order can also be used to exclude columns that are present in the dataframe during plotting.
  • Currently, spearman and pearson (default) methods are supported for calculating the R value.
  • The shape paramater is passed to the marker parameter, where s is square, o is circle, etc. Refer to Matplotlib documentation for list of available shapes.
  • For colorbar() function, scale_spacing refers to the number of y-tick spacings.

As an additional note regarding to cleaning data, consider performing log-transformation (i.e. transform data into log2 or log10-based) prior to using parametric statistical test. Check the values afterwards with Shapiro-Wilk test or run a Q-Q plot so see the normality of the data.

Special handling: dealing with outliers using robust scaling and winsorization. Sometimes, the data could have outliers that could nudge the p-value towards significance and strong R value in either direction. To deal with this annoying situation, scaling the values and performing winsorization might help. The code block below taken from my A-039 analysis on human IgG multiplex data.

from scipy.stats.mstats import winsorize
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler

def robust_scaling(data, drop_col=["Type", "Day"]):
    _scaler = RobustScaler()
    _df = data.drop(columns=drop_col).reset_index(drop=True)
    _columns_antigen = _df.columns[1:]
    # Winsorize 10% highest and lowest value
    for ag in _columns_antigen:
        _df[ag] = [x for x in winsorize(_df[ag].to_list(), limits=[0.1, 0.1]).data]
    # Re-scale
    for ag in _columns_antigen:
        _df[ag] = _scaler.fit_transform(_df[[ag]])
    return _df


# Import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import the class
from curvemod import Lowess

# Import function to generate example data
from curvemod.lowess import data_example

# Example
x, y = data_example()
lowess = Lowess(x, y)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

lowess.conf_int(ax=ax, band="percentile", **kwargs)

For the lowess.conf_int() method, it accepts the following keyword arguments:

  • color, for setting the color of the band; default to steelblue.
  • alpha, for setting the transparency of the band; default to 0.1.
  • interval, for setting the confidence interval; default to 95 for 95%.

Compensation Grid

from vizzy import Comp
