
Source code for build.my. Built in Serverless, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, TypeScript, GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Build a low cost community event aggregator
  • Experiment with Technologies
    • AWS DynamoDB
    • AWS CloudWatch Events
      • Using this as a cron job
    • Serverless
    • Facebook's GraphQL
      • Not Apollo
    • Relay
    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Auth0
  • Region support
    • A great example is https://engineers.sg but they only support Singapore
    • I travel with South East Asia

Local (Malaysian) alternatives:

Event Goals:

  • Local tech community discovery
  • This is not a page to sell a person/company's product
  • Help people new to the industry to find relevant events
  • Spur and encourage building more things
  • Have a community of builders

Current Rules for including Events:

  • Most Events in Malaysia
    • Definitely community events
    • Definitely conferences
    • Definitely Hackathons
    • Maybe paid workshops
    • Maybe networking events
  • Conferences in the region (Malaysia)
  • Limit events from Singapore
    • Already has https://engineers.sg
    • Definitely include conferences to expose people to a larger community

How I define:

  • Community:
    • Grass roots
    • Intentions are not for profit
    • Can charge money to pay for expenses (venue, speakers, etc)
    • Can charge a minimal amount to get people to confirm their spots
    • Should include most Student targeted events
  • Workshops:
    • These can be both both commercial and community, so can be confusing
  • Hackathons:
    • These can be both both commercial and community, so can be confusing
  • Conferences:
    • These can be both both commercial and community, so can be confusing

When does a Meetup become Inactive?

  • Cannot be scraped
  • No upcoming events
  • No events in the past 6 months

Warnings, Disclaimer, Gotchas

TODO / Features / Bugs

  • Fix naming of variables
  • Disable Organizations which are constantly failing
    • Meetup could have been deleted
  • Fix TypeScript's inability to update DynamoDB DocumentClient definition
  • Properly TypeScript this
  • Add eslint/prettier support
  • Fix Facebook Scraper
    • Can't scrape a Group or Page's events because of permissions
  • Create Custom Events
    • Eventbrite
    • Peatix
  • Social Media tags, and links
  • SEO
  • Optimize tables
    • Use proper indexes
    • Projections
  • Facebook errors don't show up in Lambda
  • Notifications for out of memory errors
  • When working locally, strip prefix on table names
  • Front End
    • Display Meetup Name
    • Display previous events
    • Display upcoming calendar
    • List of meetups
    • Possibly Taxonomy
    • Have ability to filter by date and region
    • Google Form to submit
  • Need a lambda to convert "upcoming" events to "past"
  • Stop fetching all meetup events
  • Split up app-backend/serverless.yml into multiple services:
    • lambdas
    • dynamodb


  • How thin should this app/repository be?
  • Can GraphQL and Relay play friendly with typescript?
  • When should I use AWS Step Functions?
  • Should I organize this into lerna?
  • Naming
    • How should I name indexes and tables?
  • What events should be aggregated, and what shouldn't?


Need to manually configure API Gateway to proxy root path ("/") to S3 bucket serverless/serverless#1738

Developer Notes

Front end was created via create-react-app


I originally started with Heroku, but found some limitations (yes I'm cheap). I also wanted to experiment with technologies that I'm most likely going to use (Serverless)


Data Store:

  • Heroku PostgreSQL (Hobby Dev):
    • Row Limit 10,000
  • AWS DynamoDB (Asia Pacific (Singapore)):
    • Write request units: $1.4231 per million write request units
    • Read request units: $0.2846 per million read request units
    • First 25 GB stored per month is free


Fire off scripts:

  • Heroku: More difficult
  • AWS Lambda: Just fire off a lambda

Pros of AWS:

  • Infrastructure as code


Other Notes

In this repo

  • Getting GraphQL and GraphQLi working with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB
    • GraphQL on TypeScript
  • Relay on create-react-app

What I needed to understand to accomplish this

  • DynamoDB
    • Patition Keys cannot be updated
  • GraphQL on DynamoDB
  • GraphQL on Lambda
  • GraphQL with TypeScript
  • Relay on Create React App
  • Use of Webpack on Lambda really increases memory size