
App Club's Minimum Viable Organization

App Club Minimum Viable Organization

Due out in August 2020, marking the closing of App Club's 2nd leadership term.

In this document I aim to work with current and previous App Club leaders and coaches to theoretically validate the decisions that 2 generatiosn of App Club leaders have made and the lessons we learned, against the available literature in leadership, management and organization studies.

For example, at App Club, the team always believed that when students feel like they are part of a friendly and supportive community that they learn together with, they are more engaged with their learning goals and more productive. Therefore, the absence of a community at CS faculty seemed to be a leading factor to burnout or sub-otpimal growth. Today we know that there's a research validating that belief*.

The goal is to look back at two generations of students' purely experimental leadership at the scale of a faculty, from November 2016 to May 2020, study the achievements and the failures, from communication, recruitment, goal setting, training new members, initiating new programs, etc. and develop their best practices, to multiply the efficiency and takeaways of the 3rd and future club leaders, and to build a model out of App Club that students at other institutions can easily adopt and replicate.


  • Michael P Leiter, , Christina Maslach, (2003), AREAS OF WORKLIFE: A STRUCTURED APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL PREDICTORS OF JOB BURNOUT, in Pamela L. Perrewe, Daniel C. Ganster (ed.) Emotional and Physiological Processes and Positive Intervention Strategies (Research in Occupational Stress and Well-being, Volume 3) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.91 - 134