Author/Book Management System

#GitHub repo:

#CodeSandBox Live Link:

#Link for fetching:

Kick Off Meeting

  • Determined the necessary points and tasks.
  • Tech Lead is going to be Aizhan, Scrum Master is going to be Çağatay Şensoy
  • Instead of dividing into teams, we will work on project together. The aim to share all knowledge with each other.

Gist and Tasks:

  1. Add login form.
  • Use email and password
  • Bonus: permission based (user A can not create/update/delete other users and other users books)
  1. Add ability to view books. Click name -> /users/1/books

  2. Add ability to create/update/delete books.

  3. Form validations:

- title: required
- genre: optional
- description: required
- isbn: required (must be 8 chars length or less)
- edition: required
  1. Add the ability to leave a review for each book. Text Rating 1-5

  2. Add ability to filter books by:

  • title
  • isbn
  • genre
  1. Add pagination to users and books. 10 users/books per page

What we practiced ?

  • Fetch API calls, send data to API for creating, deleting and updating
  • Logged in feature with verification on API data calls.
  • Users logged in can change only own data, can not access other users' data.
  • Route used for linked between components
  • Conditional rendering
  • Hooks, useState, useEffect, useContext
  • Loading feature
  • Arrow functions
  • Rendering list data with map
  • Filtering data
  • setState callbacks
  • Context API
  • Project structure
  • Create, update and delete functionality for components
  • Before remove user, modal opens and asking for confirmation
  • Components management
  • Search functionality
  • Used formik for store values and trigger the sending new values to API
  • User static star rating- data and showing it on UI and change on API

Tech Used

  1. Formik
  2. React Router
  3. useReducer
  4. Context Api
  5. Material UI
  6. Try to use useQuery instead of useEffect
  7. React strap
  8. React-icons
  9. Moment for the dates
  10. Axios
  11. Bootstrap
  12. Font-awesome
  13. React-icons
  14. Context API


  • Copy the all users and searching on that
  • With updating , use formik
  • Create Route for conditional rendering
  • Create log out and alert message -
  • Books page appears before fetching/Loading doesn't function, tried many ways to solve it (our guess is that is because of react router and it's link)
  • Failed to fetch the data from Nested Rating api (response was only for one book)
  • Struggled to get clicked user's data from within Books component
  • Fetching book review- user static star rating- data and showing it on UI, for solution, an empty array with numbers was created and then, this array was mapped and conditional rendering was created.


  • Create Route
  • Running child for loader
  • Working with real users
  • Create static star rating render logic


  1. Add ability to filter books by:
  • title
  • isbn
  • genre
  1. Add pagination to users and books. 10 users/books per page
  2. Add ability to leave a comment for each book
