
Grocery List React App (Front End Only)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The App



Grocery List displays a list of groceries and their quantity from an array upon initial load. It allows users to add more groceries to the database and immediately displays new ones added.

Basic Requirements

  1. Initially upon page load displays a list of all of the groceries listed in the data.js file
  2. Allows you to enter a grocery name and grocery quantity and click on an add button to add the item to the list
  3. After adding a new grocery item, dynamically updates and displays the new grocery item on the page without reload the whole page
  4. If the exact same grocery item was added (not case sensitive) then it updates the quantity of the item

Advanced Requirements

Do these if you have completed the basics and have ample time to spare based on the assigned due date

  1. Ability to click on any grocery item and see a strike through of that item (as in its being checked off the list)
  2. When a new grocery item is added then any striked-through items disappear from the page/list completely
  3. Add a grocery name and quantity header and add the ability to sort by grocery item name or quantity


  1. Perform a Git Fork on the repository
  2. Perform a Git Clone from your Github Repo to create a local clone of the project
  3. Change Directory to the folder where you created the clone
  4. Install nodemon by typing 'npm install -g nodemon'
  5. Install all the projects dependencies by performing an npm install by typing 'npm install'
  6. In the same terminal window, type 'npm run react-dev'. This will start webpack for transpilation of your jsx files
  7. In a new terminal window, type 'npm run start'. This will start express web server for your site
  8. Open a browser window and enter http://localhost:3000 as the URL and you should see the main page of the site
  9. Before you begin coding you should always open and view all of the files and folders provided in this project repo and try and understand each one.
  10. Open the code in your favorite editor and enjoy! :-)

Important Information


For this project you will not be using live server but instead a local server has been setup for you using Express.js. You don't need to worry about the details of the express server at this point.


You will also be using an npm package called nodemon which will watch files in your application directory and restart your web server (Express.js) automagically. In order to run nodemon, follow step's #4 and #7 above in the instructions.


Instead of running a manual babel transpiler (with a watch command) you will instead use a package called Webpack. Webpack has the ability to perform many functions but for this project it will simply watch and automatically transpile your jsx files using the react and es2015 presets. It will take all of your transpiled files and combine them into a single filed called bundle.js Your bundle.js is linked via your index.html. You will perform the steps needed to run Webpack by performing step #5 and step #6 above.

If you have errors in your react files and you don't see errors in your browser console window because there was a problem transpiling the jsx files then you will see those errors in the terminal window where webpack is running.


Once you execute the steps in the instructions to start your Express.js server and Webpack you will not need to do anything further to get your app up an running. Simply write good code and refresh your site in the browser window. The only other thing is viewing errors. Please do NOT modify the file located at server/index.js