
Small Elixir / escript package for updating Slack statuses.

Primary LanguageElixir


A small Elixir / escript package for updating your status on Slack.


  1. First, copy config/config.example.exs to config/config.exs. This is where you'll store your Slack token without risk of accidentally committing it.

  2. Add your Slack token to config/config.exs. It should have the form xoxp-....

  3. For now, install by running

    mix escript.build

This should create a binary status which can be run to execute a "Testing" status update.

  1. Optionally, create a symbolic link to the binary in /usr/local/bin or another directory in your $PATH.

Note that the status script will use whichever version of Erlang is set from the place where you call it. So if you've changed directory into a project that uses the ASDF version manager to set a different major version of the Erlang runtime, you might find that calling status there doesn't work as expected.


You can create customized preset statuses in lib/status_updater.ex by modifying the case statement in the main/1 function.