
Async Assignment for Phoenix LiveView

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Async Assigns for Phoenix LiveView

Task-based system for asynchronously assigning data to a LiveView socket

Note: This package is unnecessary due to native async support in LiveView.


This package is not available on hex.pm. Instead, install it directly from GitHub:

def deps do
    {:live_view_async, github: "aj-foster/live-view-async"}


To use the assign_async/3 function at the heart of this library, it is necessary to set up some additional data on the LiveView socket first. The easiest way to set up a view is by using this module:

use Phoenix.LiveView.Async

Alternatively, you can call use the on_mount macro directly (and separately import Phoenix.LiveView.Async):

on_mount {Phoenix.LiveView.Async, :setup}

This will place an assign called _async on the socket. It is important that other LiveView callbacks do not modify this key.

Now, use assign_async/3 to create an asynchronous task that will update the LiveView socket at a later time:

socket =
  |> assign(data: [], loading: false)
  |> assign_async(:get_data, fn ->
    data = MyApp.Repo.all(...)
    [data: data, loading: false]

The function given for the async task must return a keyword list. Except for values that are wrapped in an :update tuple (see below), all of the returned values will be integrated into the socket using Component.assign/2:

[data: [...], loading: false]  =>  assign(socket, data: [...], loading: false)

This happens at the time when the LiveView process handles the task's completion message. It is important to note that the socket's assigns may have changed between the spawn and the completion of the task, so atomic updates (ex. incrementing numbers) should not be handled in this way.

Instead, values can be expressed as an update function wrapped in an :update tuple. In this case, the values will be integrated into the socket using Component.update/3:

[data: {:update, fn x -> x + 1 end}]  =>  Component.update(socket, :data, fn x -> x + 1 end)

Tasks may return a mix of each type of assign.


This library has one piece of configuration available:

config :live_view_async, async: false

This causes all tasks to be run synchronously, in the same process as the caller, immediately upon calling assign_async/3. This can be useful for test environments.


The following resources were helpful while building this library: