It's annoying to see your logs blown up with asset requests. - - [23/Dec/2013 19:50:04] "GET /assets/application.css HTTP/1.1" 200 521 0.0283
Register queit assets in the development configuration, and you won't see the assets in the development logs ever again.
configure :development do
register Sinatra::QuietAssets
The script monkey-patches Rack::CommonLogger
, based on version 1.6.0.alpha
. If Rack is updated with breaking changes, this script could break as well. Edit: still working with sinatra 1.4.4
You can choose quiet asset extensions:
Sinatra::QuietAssets.extensions = [ 'js', 'css' ]
Or add extensions to the defaults:
Sinatra::QuietAssets.extensions << 'mp4'
Sinatra::QuietAssets.extensions += %w(mp3 wav)
into your project folder, where other modules live. -
Require the file, through a relative path or via the load path, and then register it.
# app.rb
register Sinatra::QuietAssets
There's an example at example/app.rb