
data filtering lib

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


data filtering lib

build status

For 18 year old women:

age = 18
gender = "female"

For men, 18 - 35:

gender = "male"
age >= 18
age <= 35

(this is what we'll use for MP)

You can do OR rules instead of AND rules using "[]"

People who are 18 years old or 21 years old:

  age = 18
  age = 21

Women who are 18 or 21:

gender = "female"
  age = 18
  age = 21

This also works:

gender = "female"
[ age = 18, age = 21 ]

"{}" means "AND"

Women who are 18 or 21, or between 35 and 55:

gender = "female"
  age = 18
  age = 21
    age >= 35
    age <= 55

Quotes around the Field names are optional when the name is only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. The following three examples are all exactly equivalent:

gender = "female"
"gender" = "female"
'gender' = "female"

"NOT" operator

Maybe applied to either "AND" or "OR". Used with "OR" will match "all those not being 18 or 21"

  age = 18
  age = 21

When used with "AND" it will match all except women being 18

  age = 18
  gender = "female"


Allows "IN" lookup. So:

age in (20, 30, 40)

... is the same as:

  age = 20
  age = 30
  age = 40

"NOT IN" may be applied in the following way:

age !in (20, 21, 22)

and it will match all the people except those being 20, 21 or 22 years.

Different formats are allowed, so the following 2 examples are equivalent as the above, either separated with a newline:

age !in (

or mixed:

age !in (
  20, 21

Apart from integers, array may contain decimals or string as long as all its elements are of the same type:

"price" in (9.95, 10.95, 11.95)


"color" in ("blue, "red", "green)

This WOULDN'T work:

age in (20, "21", 22, 23)

Empty "AND" Blocks and "OR" blocks

An empty "AND" block will match all users


An empty "OR" block will match no users


This means you can set {} as your last filter in cases where you want to match various groups and then have an "everybody else" group.


Value types


  • "x" = 1
  • "x" = 500000
  • "x" = 7.5
  • "x" = -1642
  • "x" = -0.9141


  • "x" = "hello"
  • "x" = "a complete sentence"
  • "x" = 'this time with single quotes'
  • "x" = 'double quotes "inside" single quotes'
  • "x" = 'single quotes 'inside' double quotes"
  • "x" = 'uniçode ís tøtålly fiñe'


  • "x" = true
  • "x" = false


  • "x" in (12, 13, 14)
  • "x" in ("red", "green", "blue")

Comparison operators

Operator Example Meaning
Equal "x" = 100 x is 100
Not Equal "x" != 100 x is not 100
Less Than "x" < 100 x is less than 100
Greater Than "x" > 100 x is more than 100
Less than or Equal "x" <= 100 x is less than or equal to 100
Greater than or Equal "x" >= 100 x is greater than or equal to 100
Exists "x" ?= true x has any value (where it exists)
Exists "x" ?= false x has no value (where it does not exist)
Not Any !["x"=5, "x"=6] x has any value except 5 or 6 (or it does not exist)
Not All !{"x"=2, "y"=3} exclude where both x is 2 AND y is 3
In x in (5, 6) x is either 5 or 6
Not In x !in (5, 6) x has any value except 5 or 6 (or it does not exist)